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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1275

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1188 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. for the construction of irrigation works for the reclamation of arid lpnilsf and such expenditures shall not exceed the sum of five hundred ol ars. m¤°°“*¤°°“* M1sc1·:LLA1·:1·:oUs onmocrs, DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR. “°°S""“"·’“"· Hor SPRINGS REsERvA·rroN, ARKANsAs: For filling up lakes in Whittington Lake Reserve Park, six thousand dollars. Y°“°"“°“° P“"k· YELIJOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK: For the administration and protection of the Yellowstone National Park, to be expended by and under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, including two thousand Eveéiuaadsedl dollars for maintenance of buifalo, seven thousand five un re dollars. Y°*¤¤**° P"l=- YosE1urrE NATIONAL PARK! For protection, and im rovement of the P""- P- *2*6- Yosemite National Park, and the construction of bridges, fencing, and trails, and improvement of roads, other than ·toll roads, to be expended pnderilthelsulpelrqigion of the Secretary of the Interior,_five thousand our un re o rs. - sqm. run. SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK: For the protection and improvement of the Sequoia National Park, and the construction and repair of bridges, fences, and trails, and extension of roads, to be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand dollars. ¤<¤¤¢r¤G¤¤¢ Pm- GENERAL GRANT NATIONAL PARK: For protection and improvement of the General Grant National Park, construction of fences and trails, and repairing and extension of roads, to be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, two thousand dollars. 0¤¢¢¤‘ L¤k¤ Pm- CRATER LAKE NATIONAL PARK: For protection and improvement of the Crater Lake National Park, and repairin and extension of roads, tut; be elxpendeél pnlder the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, ree thousand dollars. WM 0*** Pm- WIND CAVE NATIONAL PARK: For the management, improvement, and protection of the Wind Cave National Park, to be expended under the (supleréviplipn of the Secretary of the Interior, two thousand five` un re o rs. p§r‘gf’°"*° "°“‘ R°· SUPREME Comrr Rnroirrs: To pady the publishers of the decisions of the Supreme Court for two hun red and sixty copies of volumes one hundred and ninety-six to one hundred and ninet —nine, inclu ive, official edition, at two dollars per volume, under the plrovisions of v0x.zs,p.sa1. section two of the Act of February twelfth, eighteen undred and v¤1.:n,p.sm. eighty-nine, and of Act of Julv first, nineteen hundred and two., and for thirteen copies of volume forty-nine of the Lawyers’ Cooperative Publishing Company, at five dollars per volume, two thousand one hundred and forty-tive dollars. ggjggon of mM_ Em1cA·r1oN IN ALASKA: To enable the Secretary of the Interior, in mm, em. his discretion and under his direction, to provide for the education and """·"°1°‘ support of the Eskimos, Indians, and other natives of Alaska; for erection, repair, and rental of school buildings; for text-books and industrial apparatus; for pay and necessary traveling expenses of general agent, assistant agent, superintendents, teachers, p ysicians, and other employees, and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses which are not included under the above special heads, fifty thousand ‘ dollars, to be immediately available.

    • °‘°**°°’· REINDEER ron ALAsKA: 1•`or the sup rt of reindeer stations in

Alaska, and for the instruction of Alasgn natives in the care and management of the reindeer, fifteen thousand dollars. mGgg;*,£gf H°°P*· GovERN1uEN·r HOSPITAL ron rm: INsANE: For current exlpenses of the Government Hospital for the Insane: For support, clot ing, and treatment in the Government Hospital for the Insane of the insane from the Army and Nalvly, Marine Corgs, Revenue-Cutter_ Service, mmates of the National ome for Disab ed Volunteer Soldiers, per-