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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/128

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40 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 1904. so forth, for use in the offices in the Government Printing Oiilice, as set forth in House Document Numbered Seventy-two, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. Se¤¤¢<>- SENATE. P"““‘ For compensation of officers, clerks, messengers, and others in the service of the Senate, namely, sixteen pages from November ninth to December sixth, inclusive, nineteen hundred and three, one thousand one hundred and two dollars and fifty cents. §§){,u*;{§*,{m*¤· The Secretary of the Senate is hereby authorized to pay to the Rev- ` erend F. J. Prettyman the salary of Chaplain of the Senate from November the ninth to November the twenty—Second and from December the eighth to December the thirty-first, nineteen hundred and three, the same bein for services rendered as such Chaplain. S“*'·*°”°’Y· °'°· For stationery auf newspapers for Senators and for the President of the Senate, and for stationery for committees and officers of the Send mm ate], one thousand dollars. _ d » d I f HOW ¤¤ or e nses maintainin an ui ing orses an mai wagons or “‘°°° carryingighe mails, one thfmandedolgs.` F¤¤’¤i¤¤¤‘¤· For purchase of furniture, one thousand dollars. ` ¥i¤¤9¤¤¤¤<¤¤¤- For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor forty thousand dollars. ` 1'<>1di¤s ¤¤>¤>- For iittin u car buildings corner First and B streets southwest, for the use of the fblding room of the Senate, three thousand doHars¤. Y _ .f··: ·-wd: H°¤¤°°* *’~°P¤*¤'# HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES. ·: F stives. $*¤¤°¤¤¤‘· For stationery for members of the House of Representatives, one hundred and twenty-tive dollars. Clerk me- To pay Members and Delegates the amounts which they certify they ‘ have paid or agree to pay for clerk hire necessarily employed by them V°'~ ”· P· 75* in the discharge of their odicial and representative duties, as rovided in the joint resolution approved March third, eighteen hungred and ninety-three, House resolutions adopted May eighth, eighteen hundred " and ninety-six, and January fifteenth, nineteen hundred and two, and V0]- 3°· P· 68"· the deficiency appropriation Act approved Jul seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, for the iiscal years as fbllows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, nine thousand two hundred dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, eleven thousand six hundred dollars. H°’¤*· °°°· For hire of horses, feed, re ir of wagon and harness for the Doorkeeper, on account of the tiscalnyear nineteen hundred and three, sixty- five dollars and twenty-tive cents. · l"¤'"*°‘"°· d Por furniture and materials for repairs of the same, ten thousand o ars. F°l‘“”¤ ¤¤“*'m¤- For wrapping paper, pasteboard, paste, twine, newspaper wrappers, and other necessary materials for folding, for use of the members of the Hpuse, anii (for use ip the Clerk’s office and the House folding room not including enve o s, writin r and other r an materials to be printed anclxifurnishedgbiyalthei Public Pruitt? upon V°‘· 2** p· **2* requisitions from the Clerk of the House, under the rovisions of the Act approved January twelfth, eighteen hundred and) ninety -live., for the public printing and binding), three thousand dollars. N mS£Q$LiEhCl°im“C°m` SPANISH TREATY CLAIMS COMMISSION. l"*Y”*°°'°* ewma To pay the awards made by the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission V°l·“·¥’·8"°· under the provisions of the Act of March second, nineteen hundred and one, certified to Congress in Document Numbered One hundred and ten of the present session, ten thousand dollars.