FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. 1195 Improving Lake Erie entrance to Black Rock Harbor and Erie 1***** N'i°- N- Y- (Bapliln, New York: For continuing improvement, fifty-two thousand mwkR0ckH"b°r` o rs. _ Improving Arthur Kill, New York and New Jersey: For continuing -},’{_§“§ Km- N- Y- rmprovement of channel from Kill von Kull to Raritan Bav, seventy an` thousand dollars. ` Improving harbor at Savannah, Georgia: For continuing improve- B"¤¤¤¤h·G¤· ment in completion of contract authorization, one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Cleveland, -Ohio: For continuing improvement Cl”°‘**¤d» 0*****- in accordance with the lan for new harbor entrance and breakwater extension, four hundrecfand fifty thousand dollars. Improving Passaic River, New Jersey: For continuing im rove- P°*¤°*° Ni"'- N- J- ment from the Montclair and Greenwood Lake Railroad bridge to deep water in Staten Island Sound, seventy-five thousand dollars.- Improving Great Pedee River, South Carolina: For continuing im- S ‘;:,'°’“ *’°d°° 1*****- provement of upper portion of river, fifteen thousand dollars. _` Improving of Saint Johns River, Florida: For continuing improve F,§“*“” J°"’"'· Rm'- ment from Jacksonville to the ocean in completion of contract author- I ization, two hundred and five thousand dollars. Improving Black Warrior, Warrior, and Tombi bee rivers, Ala- ,,,§“g';_}"?,'({jg{;,;*,;'; bama: For continuing improvement, in completion 0% contract author- rivém, Alu. ization, b the construction of locks and dams, numbered one, two, and three in Ie Tombigbee and Wanior rivers, fifteen thousand dollars. Improving Southwest Pass, Mississippi River: For continuing im- *£`j§j§,ggQ §gs°*· provement rn accordance with the approved or modified project as ' authorized, one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Improving Mississippi River from mouth of Ohio River to Minne- ,,};'*g,*g,},”t*j,”g,‘{·F*}*n*;f apolis, Minnesota: For continuing im rovement, in completion of con- wm-1. ` tract authorization, from the mouth oi the Ohio River to the mouth of · the Missouri River, six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. And the Secretary of War is authorized to examine the materials furnished and the work and labor done since November first, nineteen hundred, to May twent —second, nineteen hundred and one, in accordance with the method and system and under the plans of the United States engineer officers in char e to prevent the erosion of the banks at or near Sawyers Bend, in the harbor of Saint Louis, so as to improve the channel and preserve the protection works at said point, an to ascertain the reasonable value of such materials, work, and labor so furnished and done, and to pay out of said sum herein authorized for so much of the same as was in the interest of navigation; not, however, to exceed the sum of fifteen thousand six hundred and seventy-nine dollars and eighty- four cents. _ For continuing improvement, in completion of contract authoriza- {l;;' °° tion, from the mouth of the Missouri River to Saint Paul. Minnesota,` four hundred thousand dollars. Improving Ouachita River, Arkansas and Louisiana: For continu— m‘Q,*]_:ffQ{_°;‘,fd*}},y’fk ing improvement of Ouachita and Black rivers, Arkansas and Louisiana, rn completion of contract authorization, by the construction of lock numbered four, near Monroe, Louisiana, and of lock numbered six, near Roland Raft, Arkansas, twelve thousand dollars. _ Improvin Tennessee River below Chattanooga, Tennessee, Ala- T°““°“°° N“"· bama, and lgeutuckyz For continuing improvement at Colbert and Bee Tree shoals by the construction of a lateral canal, in completion of contract authorization, fifty thousand dollars. Improving Ohio River below Pittsburg, Pennsylvania: For continu— 3::; {Sy'? ing improvement by the construction of lock and dam numbered thirtv— ‘' seven, fifty thousand dollars. _ Improving Big Sandy River, \Vest Virginia and Kentucky: For wl*{8__s°¤d>’ Ri"'- continuing improvement in completion of contract authorization by
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