1194 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. SEss. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. F¤gi¤¤¢* ‘*€P¤"· ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. ` ment. Firm md h*¤'b°¤- Toward the construction of works on harbors and rivers, under contract and otherwise, and within the limits authorized liy law, namely: ¤¤¤¤¤¤°°¤» S- 0- Improving harbor at Charleston, South Carolina: or continuing improvement in completion of contract authorization, twenty-five thousand dollars. Vol- 29· 1*-2**2- For works authorized b the river and harbor Act of eighteen hundred and ninet -six, as follows:
- g;*,{¤gg;eM°- Improving Hbrtland Harbor, Maine
- Continuing impfovement, one
` hundred thousand dollars, and the Secretary of War is ereby author- V°l· 29- 1*-202- ized to modify the project for improvement adopted by the Act of June . third, eighteen hundred and ninety-six so as to continue the depth of thirty feet at mean low tide for the width of about three hundred feet up Fore River as far as the Boston and Maine Railroad bridge, and to securea channel of entrance to Back Cove of the same depth and width:
- ‘”'“·’°· Provided, That the total cost of work heretofore and herein authorized,
Muimum °°°‘~ to be done shall not exceed the limit of cost fixed by the Act of June third, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. B“““1°·N·Y· Improving harbor at Buffalo, New York: For continuing improve- {nent, one hundred and forty-three thousand five hundred and six dollars. °l"°l°¤°· Ohm- Improvin harbor at Cleveland, Ohio: For continuing improvement, one hundref and eighty thousand eight hundred dollars. G£‘g§°,${;f"’ S°“”"» Improving Cumberland Sound, Georgia and Florida: For continuing i1m$ow*ement in completion of contract authorization, forty thousan o rs. ‘ 8**** P°‘l'°· C**l· Improving harbor at San Pedro, California: For continuing construction of breakwater, four hundred and sixty thousand dollars. “`*¤Y**** B°Y·S-C- Improving Winyah Bay, South Carolina: For continuing improvement of harbor at Winvah Bay, seventyfdve thousand dollars. V°l-“°· 1*-2121- For works authorized by the river and harbor Act of eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, as follows: G°“'”““$ B°>’· NX- Improving channel in Gowanus Bay New York: For continuing improvement of Bay Ridge and Red Hook channels, two hundred thousand dollars. Bl¤°* Rim'- 0****- Improving harbor at Black River Ohio: For continuing improvement, in completion of contract authorization, of harbor`at mouth of Black River, Iiorain, Ohio, twenty thousand dollars. Nf*{.'f*"°"° C*‘*”‘“°l· Improving harbor at New York, New York: For continuing improvement of Ambrose Channel (former] known as East Channel) across Sandy Hook Bar, seven hundred andy fifteen thousand five hundred and _ ten dollars. P,‘§Q;{,‘{,,g‘,‘§§f' l’°l°" Improving Ohio River below Pittsburg, Pennsylvania: For continuing improvement in completion of contract authorization by the construction of Dams Numbered Thirteen and Eighteen, one hundred thousand dollars. _ T°l°°°· °’“°· Improvin harbor at Toledo, Ohio: For continuing improvement, one hundref and sixty-one thousand dollars. V°’· 3** *’· 8** For works authorized by the river and harbor Act of nineteen hundred and two, as follows: B°’“’“· "‘““‘· Improvingharbor at Boston, Massachusetts: For continuing improvement by providing channels thirty-five feet deep, and of authorized widths, from the navy—yard at Charlestown and the Chelsea and Charles River bridges to President Roads, and thence by route designated as numbered three through Broad Sound to the ocean, nine hundred and seventy thousand dollars. m°“°“°°’* “””· Improving harbor at Gloucester, Massachusetts: For continuing improvement in accordance with the approved and modified project, fifty thousand dollars.