F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. _ 1197 NATIONAL CEMETERY, PRESIDIO OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFoRN1A: Presidiv. Sun Fran- For continuation of stone wall on the boundary line of the reservation °iS°°’ Cu of the Presidio of San Francisco, California, five thousand dollars. ANTIETAM BATTLEEIELD: For repair and preservation of monuments, ,,e*}‘{*°};3*m l’”°*°· tablets, observation towe1·, roads, and fences, and so forth, made and` constructed by the United States upon public land within the limits of ghelAntietam battlefield, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, three thousand o ars. ‘ For pay of superintendent of Antietam battlefield, said superintend- S“P°'i¤*°¤d°¤*~ ent to perform hisduties under the direction of the Quartermaster’s Delpartment and to be selected and a pointed by the Secretary of Wa1·, at is discretion, the person selected) and appointed to this position to gelan honorably discharged Union soldier, one thousand five hundred o ars. Bmnorne HOME THE REMAINS or OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS wII0 mg*j§§jggl jgrfjdw DIE Ann0AD: To enable the Secretary of War, in his discretion, to` cause to be transported to their homes the remains of officers and soldiers who die at military camps or who are killed in action, or who die in the tield or hospital in Alaska, and at places outside of the limits of tix1e` Ungeél lStates, or who die while on voyage at sea, twenty-five thousand o lars. Bmnoine HOME THE REMAINS or CIVIL EMPLOYEES or THE ARMY mgjlggrgvitgjglggj WH0 DIE ARROAD AND SOLDIERS wuo DIE on TnAnSroaTs: To enable seam. the Secretary of War, in his discretion, to cause to be transported to their homes the remains of civilian em loyees of the Arm who have died, or may hereafter die while in the employ of the Var Department in Cuba, Porto Rico, fiawaii, China, Alaska, and the Phili pmes, including the remains of an honorably discharged soldiers wlino are entitled under the terms of their discharge to return transportation on Government transport, and who die while on said transport, two thousand five hundred dollars. CONFEDERATE Mounn, OAKwooD CEMETERY, CmoAoo: For care, C,fg’;§°(f°”‘°M°“°°· protection, and maintenance of the plat of ground known as "Con- · federate Mound" in Oakwood Cemetery, Chicago, two hundred and fift * dollars. .-iamncron NATIONAL CEMETERY, VIRGINIA: For grading, draining, (,E·g§,‘;§$°Q.8N¤*i°¤¤‘ making roads, plantin trees, and otherwise pre aring the grounds lll " i the addition to the ArIington, Virginia, Nationalg Cemetery, ten thousand dollars. Fonr CRAWFORD NIILITARY CEMETERY, Wisconsin: For the immove- *`°" C¤*“"°*<*· “'**- ment and repair of the militar · cemetery on the Fort Crawford escrvation at Prairie du Chien,·\l’isconsin, and for the purpose of purchasing a suitable approach to said cemetery, the sum o three thousand dollars heretofore appropriated is reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred an six. MIscELLAnEous oamors, WVAR DEPARTMENT. M*¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤- MILITARY POSTS! For the construction and enlargement of buildings Military posts. at such military posts as, in the judgment of the Secretary of War, may be necessary; for the erection of barracks and quarters for the artillery in connection with adopted project for seacoast defenses, and for the purchase of suitable hui ding sites for said barracks and quarters, one million two hundred thousand dollars; but no lpart of the money appropriated for military posts shall be used for the purchase of any land except as herein s cially provided. Amir GENERAL HOSPITAL? En the urchase of a site for and toward p,{§{¤;¤,{EG;$>¤* HM the construction of an army general hospital, one hundred thousand _ _` dollars, to be immediately available; and the total cost of hospital, L'”“°°f°°“°‘ including site therefor, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed the sum of three hundred thousand dollars.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1284