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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1285

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1198 F IFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. Kgjiggggjlg Y· LAND ron ENLARGEMENT or MILITARY rosr, Fonrr NIAGARA, NEW ` Yonx: For purchase of ap roximately slix hundred and fifty acres of land lyin eastward and adjoining Fort Niagara New York, to provide for the enlargement; of the post to accommodate one regiment of infantry, onie sqéiadron of cavaéry, and two batteries of Held artillery, one hundre an fifty thousan ol ars. NGg*·=¤¤¤ I¤l¤=¤°· ENLARGEMENT or GOVERNORS ISLAND, NEw Yonx: For continuing 'plan of improvement for the enlargement of Governors Island, New Korg Harilbor, by gvhizrf work, dredging, bulkhead, and iilling, one un red thousand dollars. S•*”"Y H°°k·N·Y· SANDY Hoox, NEW JEnsEY: For the construction of a sea wall for the rotection of the northern beach of the United States lands at _ Sandy Hook, New Jersey, forty thousand dollars. ,§l°’J.‘il° °f M°"°°` ENLABGEMENT or TARGET RANGE, PRESIDIO or MoN·rEnEr, CAI.1- t&¢é’eQi;;*;:’é*Q_l°°d ‘°’ Fo11N1A: For the purchase of about one hundred and fifty acres of land adjoining the United States military reservation, Presidio of _ thlflontemdyzihliontemy, California, for enlarging the target range, ten ousan ol ars.

 TARGET RANGE, Four L0oAN, Co1.o1zADo: For the purchase of section twenty-nine, and one-half of section twenty, township six south,

range sixty-six west., for use as a target range for the garrison of Fort Logan, Colorado, six thousand six hundred and forty dollars. '°" ”°"'°°*v‘· Four MONROE, VIRGINIA: For repair and maintenance of wharf, including all necessary labor and material therefor, fuel for waiting rooms, and water for flushing closets, paintin , repairs to roof, brooms, shovels, and so forth, six thousand one hunched and sixty-six dollars; wharfinger, nine hundred dollars; laborer, four hundred and twenty dollars; in all, seven thousand four hundred and eighty-six dollars; for one-half of said sum, to be sup lied by the United States, three _ thousand seven hundred and forty-three dollars. R°l"'·”`°· °“’· Repairs and operation of roads, pavements, streets, lights, and general police: For rakes, shovels, and brooms; repairs to roadways, maca amizing, paving, drainpipes; electric lights for streets; two thousanl and five dollars; driver for police cart, four hundred and eighty dollars; two laborers policing roads, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; in all, three thousand seven hundred and forty-five dollars; for one-ha`lf of said sum, to be supplied by the United States, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents. ‘*°"°"”*"‘*°"‘- Maintenance of sewer system: For coal and wood. waste, oil, and pump repairs, sewer pipe, cement, brick, and supplies, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; two engineers, at nine hundred dollars each; two firemen. at six hundred dollars each; two laborers. at tive hundred dollars each; in all, five thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; for one—half of said sum, to be supplied by the ['nited States, _ two thousand eight hundred and seventy-hve dollars. "’°““‘°· C“· PRESIDIO MILITARY REsEnvATIoN, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA! For continuing the improvement of the grounds within the Presidio Mili-

arydRgs$ry{1tion, at San Francisco, California, seven thousand tive

un re dollars. Y°"""“"’"° "‘"‘· IMI>IzovEmEN·r or THE I,ELLOWSTONE N A·rIoNAL PARK: For completing the improvement of the Yellowstone National Park, in accordance with the approved project, eighty-three thousand dollars: for maintenance and repair of existing improvements, fift thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and thirty-three thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War; to be immediately availmm. able and to remain available until expended: Provided, That of this F°’°” 1$°°°"°‘ amount thirty thousand dollars. or so much thereof as may be necessary, may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be expended in _ _ the Yellowstone Forest Reserve east and south of the park. ('§}}$,'{,"§,§g'{‘· ,,,1 CHIUKAMAUGA AND CHATIANOOGA NATIONAL PARK: For continuing crmmmozn. the establishment of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park;