1 200 F1F*rY-E1GH*ru 0oNGREss. Sess. III. cn. 1483. 1905. m§gI{fmQ'°¤ Dl¤¤'*°” the Army, nineteen thousand dollars, one half of which sum shall be ` paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of the United States. ‘ Garfield Memorial GAms·II·:LD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: For maintenance, to enable it to H°°pi°"l‘ provide medical and surgical treatment to persons unable to pay therefor, under a contract to be made with the Board of Charities of the regggegwm Detect District of Columbia, nineteen thousand dollars, one half of which sum ` sléall up Hajd from tpe revenues Iof {Ike Disgrict of Columbia and the 0 er a rom the reasury o the United States. seg;l¤gm{*°°*°¤l M“· ARMY MEDICAL Musnum AND LIBRARY BUILDING: For six iron ' book stacks in library hall, including iron supports, stairs, perforated _ _ gallery iloors, and necessary hardwood shelves, eight thousand dollars. C0Q,§j,Q‘g,{,',§" Dé"“’ CALIronN1A Drums Commssrou: For defraying. the expenses of V<>1.2Y.p.507. the Commission in carrying on the work authorized by the Act of gpngresls appr(ovpduMarch first, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, - teen thousand dollars. §§;,',,Q§§k H"b°'· Hnnnon or NEW Yom:: For prevention of obstructive and injurious deposits within*the harbor and adjacent waters of New York City: ‘ I“"°°‘°”· °’°· or pay of inspectors, deputy inspectors, oilrice force, andexpenses Crews tm m of office, ten thousand two hundred and sixty dollars; ’` Forapay plf crew; gap maintenance of six steam tugs and one launch, _ sixty- ve thousand o lars; _ ` R°’“'“· For neral repairs and overhauling steam tugs, ten thousand dollars; In aB? eighty-five thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. m1;:3gé1g°g;>;¤sef¤r NATIONAL Home Fon DISABLED vommrnnn SOLDIERS. d_ F oaths; slupport of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soliers, as o ows: gapgpftghioésa I A·r run CENTRAL BRANCh., AT DAYTON, Omo: For current expenses, p°namely: Pay of officers and noncommissioned officers of the Home, with such exceptions as are hereinafter noted, and their clerks and orderlies; also pa ments for chaplains and religious instruction, printers, bookbinders, librarians, musicians, telegraph and telephone opera- ’ tors, guards, policemen, watchmen, and fire company; for all property and materials purchased for their use, including repairs not done by the Home; for necessary expenditures for articles of amusement, boats, library books, magazines, pa rs, pictures, and musical instruments, and for re irs not done rl`; the Home; and for stationery, advertising, legal adllice, for payments due heirs of deceased members: Prexviao ‘ * · 1 E,,°c,s;,mendmem_ Prorzdeal, That all receipts on account of the effects of deceased menibm. bers during the fiscal year shall also be available for such payments: and for such other expenditures as can not properly be included under submm other healdss oz; expenditmre, gxty phousand dollars; t _ °°· or su is nce, name y: ay o commissar sergean s, commissary clerks, porters, laborers, bakers, cooks, dislhwashers, waiters, and others employed in the subsistence department; the cost of all articles purchased for the regular ration, and the subsistence of civilian 2'éi’l‘i$°“§;.·.§`f,E.‘?.i2‘iT.’I `§.‘£5l‘2?€$“$i.?§‘-d J{§’FSZi“gc£$S mfr? SZ2t1Q13h5S? 7 7 7 1 w kitchen and dining-room employees; of tobacco; of all dining-room and kitchen furniture and utensils, bakers’ and butchers’ tools and appliances, and their repair not done by the Home, two hundred and fifty-six thousand dollars; H°“’°"°“’· or homsehlolbcg na(mely:dExpe1:)<lBi;:ures for furnitu(1ie lfor lpiHcers’ uarters; or stea s, be din din material, an a other arti- ’ dies requipled in this qucalrters of Eiplmembgiksi, ang of cilvilianiemploylees permanen y employ and resi in at e ranc , an or their repair, if they are not repaired by th Home; for fuel, including fuel for cooking, heat, and light; for engineers and firemen, bath- ouse keepers, ha cleaners, laundrymen, gas makers, and privy watchmen,
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1287