FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. 1201 and for all labor, materials, and appliances required for household use, and for their repairs unless the repairs are made by the Home, one hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars; For hoslpita], namely: Pay of assistant surgeons, matrons, druggists, H¤¤x>if·¤¤· hospital c erks and stewar s, ward masters, nurses, cooks, waiters, rea BPS, hospital carria e drivers, hearse drivers, gravediggers, funeral · escort, and or such other services as may be necessary for the care of the sick; for surgical instruments and appliances, medical books, medicine, liquors, fruits, and other necessaries for the sick not on the re u- lar ration; for bedsteads, bedding, and bedding materials, and all other articles necessary for the wards, and for the quarters of the assistant surgeons, nurses, and other civilian em loyees attached to the hospital permanently employed and residing at me Branch; for hospital kitchen and dining-room furniture and a pliances, including aprons, caps, and jackets for hospital kitchen and dining-room employees; carriage, ’ hearse, stretchers, collins; for tools of gravediggers, and for all repaus ttpl hospigaa fhirniture and appliances not done by the Home, fifty-seven ousan dollars; For transportation, namely: For transportation of members of the Trnnswrwtiou- Home, three thousand five hundred dollars; For repairs, namely: Pay of chief engineer, builders, blacksmiths, ·R¤x>¤ir¤- carpenters, painters, gas litters, electrical workers, plumbers, tin— smiths, steam litters, stone and brick masons, whitewashers, and laborers, and for all appsiances and materials used under this head; also for relpairs of roa and other improvements of a permanent character, fty-seven thousand dollars; · For nurses? quarters, twelve thousand five hundred dollars; _ N¤¤¤¤’ ummm- For farm, namely: Pay of farmer, chief gardener, harness makers, F•r¤¤- _ farm hands, gardeners, horsoshoers, stablemen, teamsters, dairymen, herders, and laborers, and for all tools, appliances, and materials required for farm, garden, and dairy work; for grain, hay, straw, dressing, seed, carriages, wagons, carts, and other conveyances; for all animals purchased for stock or for work (including animals in the park); for all materials, tools, and labor for flower garden, lawn, and park; for rent of leased lands. and for repairs not done by the Home, twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars; In all, six hundred and two thousand five hundred dollars. _ - Ar rm; Nonrnwnsrnnx Bnsncn, AT Mirwauxnn, Wisconsin: For g{}}§’,‘{,‘{‘§,‘§*’,,e‘}'"L§’,,h current expenses, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars: For subsistence, including the same objects specified under this ¤¤¤¤i=·¤·¤<·¤- head for the Central Branch, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars; For household, including the same objects specified under this head H°“’°l‘°l"· for the Central Branch, sixty-eight thousand ollars; For hospital [including the same objects specified under this head for ¤¤¤vi¤¤1· the Central Branch, thirty-five thousand do lars; For tgagnsportation of members of the Home, one thousand eight T¤>¤¤P°¤¤*i<>¤· hundre o lars; For repairs, including the same objects specified under this head for B°P°*"- the Central Branch, thirty-tive thousand dollars; For ventilatin apparatus for hospital, three thousand dollars; For cement sidewa ks, four thousand dollars; - _ For farm, including the same objects specified under this head for F"'"' the Central Branch, ten thousand five hundred dollars; In all, three hundred and twenty-four thousand eight hundred dollars. AT rm-; Ensrnmx Bmscn AT '1`occs, BIAINEZ For current ex uses '§§‘§;,f’§;,,m,¤ including the same objects specified under this head for the Clintral Branch, thirty-five thousand five hundred dollars; _ bs_ For subsistence, including the same objects specitied under this head bu "°°°°"" for the Central Branch, one hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars; von. xxxm, PT 1—76
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