FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. 1203 For transportation of members of the Home, three thousand dollars; Transportation. For repairs, including the same ob`ects specified under this head for nspsrm. the Central Branch, forty thousand dollars; ` For additional barrack, thirty-four thousand dollars; Amrrusmrnumn For storage reservoir, seven thousand two hundred dollars; ami-ven-. For installation of one fire pump, one feed pump, and one ice—making Firepump, sw. tank, complete, seven thousand one hundred dollars; For farm, including the same objects specified under this head for Farm. the Central Branch, ten thousand dollars; In all, three hundred and sixty thousand three hundred dollars. srérurn lglxmox Bnaxcn, yr Mrjiacrpu, I;;IDIAl;')A2 Eorgugrentlexpenses, jj:;!:?:, jggém including e same 0 jects speci un er t is ea or the ‘entral Branch, thirty-eight thousand dollars; _ _ _ For subsistence, mcluding the same objects specified under this head S“'°¤*¤°°¤°¢- for the Central Branch, one hundred and ten thousand dollars; For household, including the same objects specified under this head H°“¤°h°ldfor the Central Branch, and for necessary expenses for the procure— ment, piping, and preservation of natural gas, oil, and water, forty- two thousand five hundred dollars; For hospital, including the same objects specified under this head H¤¤Pi¤¤!- for the Central Branch, thirty thousand dollars; For transportation of members of the Home, two thousand dollars; rnnspmsuen. For repairs, ineludin the same objects specified under this head for mpim. the Central Branch, and for nwessary expenses for the procurement, pjping, preseryntion of natural gas, oil and water, and including throom in hospital, forty-two thousand dollars: Bwzded, That no mm. pparh pi the far rejpirs for anly the Branch Homes B°'°"°°"“‘ s or econsruc ono anynew u1 n; For oil and cement house, five hundred dollars; g For dairy barn, nine thousand dollars; For wder house, two hundred and seventy-five dollars; ` For gdmigating house, five hundred dollars; For conservatory, six thousand dollars; ‘ Gnnwvnwry. d {F or refrigerating and cold—storage plant, twenty-five thousand °"1"“"’°’“g°¥"°“°· o lars· For farm,cluding the same objects specified under this head for F¤¤¤· the Central Briianch, and for necessary expenses for the procurement, piping, and preservation of natural gas, oil, and water, ten thousand 0 lars; , In alh three hundred and fifteen thousand seven hundred and seventy- five dollars. Ar mn DANVHLE Bresson, Dsuvrnnr, Irrmorsz For current ex- ggnvgrcmi. pjensesi mcludpigj the same objeéztsl specified under this head for the "° °"”°"”"°“‘ entra ranc , orty thousand dollars; r ‘ For subsistence, including the same objects specified under this head S‘**’**¤*°¤‘=°- for the Central Branch, one hundred any thirty-five thousand dollars· For household, including the same objects specified under this head “°“""'°’°- for the Central Branch, seventy-five thousand dollars; _ _ For hospital, including the same objects specified under this head H°SP"°*· for the Centr·al Branch, thirty thousand five hundred dollars; For transportation of members of the Home, three thousand dollars: Tmnsporunon. For repairs, incjluding the sam;. objecgs specified under this head for Repairs the Central Branc , thirty-two thousand do lars: For farm, including the same objects specified under this head for ram. the Central Branch, eleven thousand five hundred dollars; In all, three hundred and twenty-seven thousand dollars. , AT nm Mourvrsrx Bmmcrr, AT Jouusox Crrr, Tnxxrzssmz: For Jonnmm cny,mm current expenses, including the same objects specified under this head <*¤¤¤¤¢ ¤¤p¢¤¤<+¤- for the Central Branch, forty thousand dollars. For subsistence, including the same objects specified under this head $¤‘¤*¤*°¤•*<*· for the Central Branch, one hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars;
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