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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1289

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1202 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. H°“¤°h°ld· For household, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branc seventy-seven thousand dollars· H°¤P*°°*- hFcér hospianl, incjudlinig the same objects specified unddr this head for t e entra ranc t irty-six thousand dollars· T¤*¤¤P°’*°**°¤· d Fdorétransportatidn of members of the Home, bne thousand five hunre 0 lars· Mmm thF<ér repair;, inchiding the same objects slpepiiied under this head for e entraranc twenty-six thousan ol arsm’““"· d ger addition to dud alteration of library building, seven thousand o ars· F¤¤¤· For tarm, includin the same ob'ects s ecified under this head for th Cot lBra hgftee th lddllp e n -ra nc n thousand dollars; In all, three hundred and thirty-two thousand dollars. ggeijpgkxgj Ar mm SOUTHERN BRANCH, AT HAMPTON, VIRGINIA: For current expensesé inclpldinlg thessamelobjecg gpefziiied under this head for the "entra ranc t Irty- ve thousand ol ars· ¤¤*>¤*¤*¤¤°°· For subsistence, including] the same objects specified under this heald for the Central Branc , one hundred and fifty-five thousand _ dollars· H<>¤¤¢¤¤¤¤· f Fo; hgusehojcg includinglthe sample olbjects gpgcjjied under this head or the entra ranc ei ty-eig t thousand dollars· H°°P*“*· f Folr hgspitali jpclndlingljdie same lpbjects specified nnder this head or the entra ranc t irty-six thousand ollars; ·'*`¤¤¤P°’““°”· h Fgr transportation Sr members of the Home, one thousand three un re o rs· V

    • 1****- f F ctr Igpairsi jpcludjlng the same objects specified under this head

or the entra ranc orty-two thousand ollars· Sm ‘*‘¤“· For concrete and cenient sea wall, eighteen thousand dollars; ·‘°¤°¤C'°°k· §`or timbep revetment in Jones Creek, four thousand six hundred an forty o arr · F¤¤¤- For farm, inclniding the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars; f In ajhljhree hundred and ninety-three thousand four hundred and orty dollars. ¤é<;¤r;g;y;;¤¤h§g>¤· Ar mn W nsrnim BRANCH, AT Lmvnnwonm, KANSAS! For current p°eipensfsii inclpdipg the samelobjects specified under this head for the — ntra ranc 1 orty- our thousand 0 lars· S¤¤¤M¢¤<=<>· For subsistenhe, including the same objects specilied under this head for the Central Branch, one hundred an fiftydive thousand dollars; nousenoia. f For household, including the same olgects specified under this head or the Central Branc , ninety tiousan dollars; nospimi. For hospital, includxing the same objects specified under this head for the Central Bram: , forty thousand dollars; rmnspomuou. For transportation of members of the Home, four thousand dollars; K¢r¤i¤- thFor repaiirs, including the same objects specified under this head for e Centra Branch, fifty thousand dollar ·; Nurses' qumm. For addition to nurses’ cottage, five thdusand dollars; Imung. _ Form renewal of racbatingsugface of heating plant in barracks and mess ll, seventeen thousand o lars; F“"“· hFor farm, including the same objects specified under this head for t e Central Branch, eighteen thousand dollars- C In all, four hundred and twenty-three thoushnd dollars. Qegggggg- AT mn Pacino Bmmori, Air SANTA Momca, CAL1ronN1A: For ` Cllflzilht gxpenses, including the same} objectlsfspecificd under this head for e entra ranch thirty-tive thousand ollars· S‘“"“*°°“°°· For subsistence, inclniding the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, one hundred an thirty thousand dollars; “°“’°"°1"· f Fg hgusethpjdg including the samle objecés spfeciiied under this head or e en ‘ranc , fift *-four thousand dollars· H°"“"· For hospital, including tile same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, forty thousand dollars;