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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1292

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. SEss. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. 1205 other purposes; but the above proviso shall not apply to any State or Territorial Home into which the wives or widows of soldiers are admitted and maintained: Andmwidedfurthr, That no part of this Prohibition on sale appropriation shall be apportioned to any State or Territorial Home °f hq°°”' t at maintains a bar or canteen where intoxicating liquors are sold. BACK PAY AND BoUNTx: For payment of amounts for arrears of ay b0B¤¤k ver ond of two and three year volimteers, for bounty to volunteers and th)eir uml widows and legal heirs, for bounty under the Act of July twenty-eighth, V°l·14· P- m eighteen hun red and sixty-six, and for amounts for commutation of rations to prisoners of war in rebel States, and to soldiers on furlough, that may be certified to be due by the accounting officers of the Treasury during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and srx, two hundred theéusand dollars. . or payment of amounts for arrears of and allowances on account “"" with SPM- of service of officers and men of the Arnliyyduring the war with Spain Umm of W" m` and in the Philippine Islands that may be certihed to be due by the accounting officers of the Treasury during the tiscal year nineteen hundred and six, and that are chargeable to the appropriations that have been carried to the surplus fund, one hundred thousand dollars. ’ UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. tiggemnmeut onus (Jo%‘!i‘r-nousn, WASHINGTON, Drsrmcr or COLUMBIAI For annual *02*,-;§gg°“;g·r1gi;>,}& repairs, as per estimate of the Superintendent of the Capitol, five thonsund dollars. PENTTENTTARY, Forvr LEAVENWORTH, KANsAs: For continuing con- §g§{*°,¤_j;}‘{;jg¤mrm struction of the new United States penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kam. ’ Kansas, two hundred and forty thousand dollars, to be available immediately and to remain available until expended: Provided, That no part Mw. ‘ of this sum shall be used for the construction of a warden’s residence R°sm°”°°°` costing, complete, in excess of ten thousand dollars, or a deputy warden’s residence costing, complete, in excess of eight thousand dollars. UNITED STATES PENITENTIARY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA; For continuing A¤¤¤¢¤»G¤· the construction of the United States Penitentiary at Atlanta, Georgia, and the wall surrounding same, fifty thousand dollars, which sum shall be so expended as to give the maximum amount of employment to the inmates of said institution; and so much of the appropriation for the same ur se in the deticiency Act of February eighteenth, nineteen hundredxand four, as shall be now unexpended, is hereby made available until the close of the iiscal year nineteen hundred and six. UNITED STATES PENITENTIARY, McNEu. ls1.AND, WASHINGTONZ The Mcxen imma, unexpended balance of the a propriation of thirty thousand dollars for wt';;`,,, h,,],,,,w,,_ the construction of additional)suitable buildings, prison wall, additional lands, includin clay deposit, and wharf for the United States Penitentiary at Mclgeil Island, lVashington, made in the sundry civil appro- vol. 32. p. 1144. riation Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, is hereby continuec available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six. MISCELLANEOUS oB.rEoTs, DEPARTMENT or Jusrrcn. Miscellaneous. DEFENDING surrs IN CLAIMS AGAINST THE UNITED STATESI For lneieumug suits in defraying the necessary expenses, including salaries of necessary ° mms` employees in \Vashington, District of Columbia, incurred in the examination of witnesses and procuring of evidence in the matter of claims against the United States and in defending suits in the Court of Claims, including defense for the United States in the matter of French spolia— tion claims, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney-General, fifty-five thousand dollars. _ Puosnovrrox or ca1MEs: For the detection and prosecution of crimes Prosecution or against the United States, preliminary to indictment; the investigation "““°S‘