1206 1·`1Frr-E1cHrH CONGRESS. sm. III. cH. 1483. 1905. of official acts, records, and accounts of marshals, attorneys, clerks of the United States courts, and United States commissioners, for which purlpose all the records and dockets of said officers, without exception, sha l be examined by the agents of the Attorney-General at any time; the inspection of United States prisoners and prisons; to be expended under the direction of the Att0rney—General, and to include salaries pif all nepepsary agents in Washington, District of Columbia, forty-five ousan dollars. d§,°,f,§',}°,$0,§‘;,,f,§}“ _ DEFENSE IN INDIAN DErnEDA*r1oN CLAIMS! For salaries and expenses 1H defense of the Indian depredation claims, including salaries of Assistant Attorney-General in c argc and necessary employees in Washington, District of Columbia, to be expended under the direction of the _ _ _ Attorney-General, forty thousand dollars. °, “,{’,§,“,$‘°“ PUN1smNe VIOLATIONS or cmu 1NcrEnooUnsE Acrs AND FaAUDs: For detecting and punishing violations of the intercourse Acts of Congress and frauds committed in the Indian service, the same to be expended by the Attorney·General in allowing such fees and compensation of witnesses, jurors marshals and de uties, and agents, and in collecting evidence, and in defraying such otliler expenses as may be necessary for this purpose, four thousand dollars. ,mT:{°“’*¥· °“’·· °" TRAVEHNG AND msoEu,ANEons Ex1>ENsEs: For traveling and other miscellaneous and emergency expenses, authorized and approved by the Attorney—General, to be expended at his discretion, the provisions B.S.,sec.3648,P.718. of the first paragraph of section thirty-six hundred and forty-eight, Eevilsedlgshhutes, to the contrary notwithstanding, eight thousand five un re dollars. g‘p’:,*,jj‘,ff,g;‘h‘;‘,&_ CoUNsEL Fon DIISSION INDIANS: To enable the Attorney-General to employ a special attorney for the Mission Indians of southern Cali- _ fprnia, lthe recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior, one ousan dollars. ,,,§{‘({{’,;,§jf’·· °"°““°° CARE or BUILDINGS RENTED BY DEPARTMENT or J usr10E: For incidental expenses and for employment of temporary assistance and workmen necessary for the care and custody of the buildings in the District of Columbia rented by the Department of Justice, to be selected and their compensation hxed by the Attorney·General and to be expended under his direction, ten thousand dollars. ,—,§§;g‘;Q,,a,expe¤,,,_ INCIDENTAL EXPENSES, Tnxnrromr or Ar.AsxA: For furniture, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental ex nses, for the offices of the marshals and attorneys, five thousand dollllers. '1`¤¤‘¢“¤¢•¤P¤¤•*==- T1zAvi·:L1Nu EXPENSES, Tnnmronr or ALASKA! For the actual and necessary expenses of the {judges and clerks in the district of Alaska gvlipn traveling in the disc argc of their official duties, five thousand o ars. i¤*¤l¤*-¤¢¢·-¤**=*¤‘·· INSULAR AND TERRITORIAL Armms: For defraying the necessary expenses incurred in the conduct of insular and other territorial matters and affairs within the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice, including the payment of necessary employees at the seat of government or elgew erp, togne selected audi their piomplensgtion fixed by the ttorne ·- enera an to be ex en e un er is irection, twenty- §{,Q{ffg·“um,m five thonlsand dollars: Prmdded, Ihat estimates under this a propria- ` tioén srhagl hepeafter be submitted in detail under Legislative, Elxecutive, _ an u icia expenses. C,§§§,“g§,§m,,'§,§’,}_” DErENsE or stirs mironn SPANISH TREATY Grams Comnssrox: For salaries and expenses in defense of claims before the Spanish Treaty Claims Commision, including salaries of Assistant Attorney—General in charge as fixed by law, and of assistant attorneys and necessary employees in Washingmn, District of Columbia, or elsewhere, to be _ selected and their compensation fixed by the Attorney-General, to be °°‘·“· "· “"· expended under his direction, so much of the provisions of the Act of March second, nineteen hundred and one. providing for the Spanish
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1293