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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1294

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 111. Ch. 1483. 1905. 1207 Treaty Claims Commission, as are in conflict herewith notwithstanding, one hundred and twelve thousand dollars, of which not exceeding two hundred dollars may be expended for law books and books of reference. Esromnmuur on Aumrnnsr Laws: That the balance of the appro- ggf¤¤¤ ¤¤w¤h bl priation of Eve hundred thousand dollars for the enforcement of the mz ezifld vn ° ° provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate commerce," approved v°1‘ 2** P" an ebruary fourth, eighteen hundred and eightsly-seven, and all Acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, an other Acts mentioned 1n said appropriation, m e in the legislative, executive, and 'udicial V°’·”·P· ”°“· appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, ` approved February twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and three, shall continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six. JUDICIAL. ·’“‘“°*’“· UNITED STATES COURTS. Unitedstatescourts. Exrmzsns or rnn Uurrnn Srnns Connrs: For defraying the Expenses expenses of the Supreme Court; of the circuit and district courts of the United States, including the district court in the Territory of Hawaii; of the supreme court and court of ap is of the District of Columbia; of the 'strict court of Alaska· of theacourts in the Indian Territory· of the circuit courts of appeals; of suits and preparations for or in defense of suits in which the United States is interested; of the {prosecution of offenses committed a inst the United States; and in the enforcement of the laws of the Uiiited States, specifically the expenses stated under the following appropriations, namel : or payment of salaries, fees, and expenses of United States mar- “f·¤l=¤¤¤' ¤¤¤1¤. shals and their detputies, one million four hundred thousand dollars, to include payment or services rendered in behalf of the United States or otherwise. Advances to United States marshals, in accordance M*•¤•>¤¤· with existing law, may be made from the proper appropriations, as herein provided, immediately upon the passage of this Act; but no disbursements shall be made prior to July first, nineteen hundred and five, by said disbursing officers from the funds thus advanced, and no disbursements shall be made therefrom to liquidate expenses for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five or prior years. For salaries of United States district attorneys and expenses of ,,,3§§Q?Q,§l‘°'“°’*' United States di»trict attorneys and their diéigular assistants, our hun- _ dred and forty thousand dollars: Iivwi , That this appropriation §Z}.',Y,'Q§‘ dudng ,.,_ shall be available for the yment of the salaries of regular y appointed ¤¤¤¤*¤¤- clerks to United States dihtrict attorneys for services rendered during vacancy in the offices of the United States district attorney: I·‘»·avoSrle fm-ther-, That in no case except in the District of Columbia shall United Fw- States District Attorneys hereafter receive fees of office in addition to the salary allowed them by law. The District Attorney for the south- N§g¤{gr{*¤ *l*¤¤i¤¤· ern district of New York shall hereafter receive a salary of ten thou- suny. ' sand dollars per annum. For fees of United States district attorney for the District of Colum- DDé¤"*°* ¤**°¤‘¤¤Y- bia, twenty-three thousand eight hundred dollars.` For payment of regular assistants to United States district attorneys, negum Nmtnmwho are appointed by the Attorntéy-General, at a fixed annual compen— *°"‘°”‘ sation, two hundred and twenty- ve thousand dollars. For payment of assistants to the Attorney—General and to United $1****** °~°’*°*¤¤'¤· States district attorneys employed by the Attorney-General to aid in special cases, eighty-five thousand dollars. This appropriation shall F°*°*¤¤ °°¤¤¤¤l- be available also for the payment of foreign counse employed by the Attorney-Generalin special cases, and such counsel shall not be required to take oath of office in accordance with section three hundred and R. s., se·.~.s<sc, pea. sixty-six, Revised Statutes of the United States.