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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1299

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1212 FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. of July tenth, nineteen hundred and two, seven hundred and fifty dollars. ` B°'*°i° G”d°¤· Bonnie GARDEN: For painting, glazing, and general repairs to buildings, heating apparatus, and foot walks, and for further repairsl to foundations and for renewing the water and gas pipes in bottom of Bartholdi fountain, under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library, seven thousand dollars. bifiglggf P’i¤¤°8°¤d PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING. ’m°"°’““°”‘ For the public printing, for the public binding, and for paper for the public printing, including the cost of printing the debates and proceedings of Congress in the Congressional Record, and for lithoraphing, mapping, and engraving for both Houses of Congress, the Supreme Court of the United States, the supreme court of the District of Columbia, the Court of Claims, the Library of Congress, the Executive Office, and the Departments; for salaries, compensation, or wages of all necessary clerks and employees; for rents, fuel, gas, electric current, gas and electric fixtures, and ice; for horses, wagons, and harness, and the care, driving, and subsistence of the same, to be used only for official purposes, including the purchase, maintenance, and driving of horses and vehicles for official use of officers of the Government Printing.Ofiice when in writing ordered by the Public Printer; for bicycles, freight, expressage, telegraph and telephone service; for ‘ furniture, typewriters, and carpets; for traveling expenses, stationery, postage, and advertising; for cit directories, technical books, and books of reference, not exceeding three hundred dollars; for adding and numbering machines, time stamps, and other machines of similar character; for repairs; for other necessary contingent and ·*m°““°— miscellaneous items authorized by the Public Printer; and for all the necessary materials needed in the prosecution of the work, six million tive thousand six hundred and forty-five dollars and eighty-two cents; and from the said sum hereby appropriated printing and binding shall be dope by the Public Printer to the amounts following, respectively, name v:

  • “?"""*’"°*°*""‘* Fori rintin and binding for Con ress includin r the roceedin s

I . . pmt on and debates, zgnd for rents, three mildon thirty-fivelthousaliid six huh- _ For C•>¤8**¤¤· dred and forty-five dollars and eighty-two cents. And printing and binding for Congress chargeable to this appropriation, when recommended to be done by the Committee on lgrinting of either House, shall be so recommended in a report containing an approximate estimate of the cost thereof, together with a statement from the Public Printer of estimated approximate cost of work previously ordered by Congress, within the iiseal year for which this appropriation is made. D“¥’°”m°“"·“°‘· For the State Department, thirty five thousand dollars. d For the Treasury Department, three hundred and twenty thousand ollars. - . For the War Department, two hundred and thirty-nine thousand five hundred dollars, of which sum twelve thousand dollars shall be for the Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon—General`s Office. For the Navy Department, one hundred and forty-tive thousand dollars, including not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars for the Hydrographic Office. For the Interior Department, including not exceedin twenty-five thousand dollars for the Civil Service Commission, four Iiundred and twe,nty-two thousand dollars. For the Smithsonian Institution, for printing labels and blanks, and for the "Bulletins" and "Proceedings" of the National Museum, the editions of which shall not be less than three thousand copies, and