F1FrY-EIGHTH oonemcss. sm. III. on. 1483. 1905.1213 binding, in half turkey or material not more expensive, scientific books and pamphlets presented to and acquired by the National Museum Library, twenty-tive thousand dollars. For the United States Geological Survey, as follows: For engraving the illustrations necessary for the Annual Report of the Director, and for the monographs, professional papers, bulletins, water-sripply papers, and the report on mineral resources, sixty-five thousan ollars. For printing and binding the Annual Report of the Director, the monographs, professional papers, bulletins, water-supply papers, and the report on mineral resources, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and said amount shall cover all printing and binding on account of said publications of the Geological Survey. ‘ For the Department of Justice, twenty thousand dollars. For the Post-Oizlice Department, exclusive of the Money-Order Office, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. . For the Department of Agriculture, including twenty-five thousand gollars for the Weather Bureau, one hundred and eighty-five thousand o ars. . For the De rtment of Commerce and Labor, including thirty thousand dollars iid; the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and one hundred and gfpy thousand dollars for the Census Office, five hundred thousand 0 lars. ' For the Supreme Court of the United States, ten thousand dollars; and the printing=for the Supreme Court shall be done by the printer it may employ, unless it shall otherwise order. For the su rc-me court of the District of Columbia, one thousand five hundred Xollars. For the Court of Claims, fifteen thousand dollars. . For the Library of Congress, including the copyright department, and the binding, rebinding, and repairing of library books, one hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars. For the Executive Office, two thousand dollars. _ . For printing and binding the Annual Report of the Secretary of Agricu ture, as required by the Acta proved January twelfth, eighteen v01. za, p. 612. hundred and ninety-five, three hundred thousand dollars. or so much thereof as may be necessary. And no more than an allotment of one-half of the sum hereby appro- mymnn ct nppm priated shall be expended in the first two quarters of the iiscal year, '"l“"°"”‘ and no more than one-fourth thereof may be expended in either of the last two quarters of the fiscal year, except that. in addition thereto, in either of said last quarters, the unexpended balances of allotments for preceding quarters may be ex nde : Provided, That so much as hmm. I may be necessary for printing andxhinding the Annual Report of the “"°““"" R°"°"‘ Secretary of Agriculture, as required by the Act approved January Vol. vs. p- 612- twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-t1ve, shall not be included in said allotment: I*r0videdfi¢rt}u·r, That hereafter no part of the appro- t lilesrxjceicn on muspriations made for printing and binding shall be used for any i lus- " °""°°°' tration, engraving, or photograph in any document or report ordered printed by Congress unless the order to print expressly authorizes the same, nor in any document or report of any executive department or other Government establishment until the head of the executive department or Government establishment shall certify in a letter transmitting such report that the illustration is necessary and relates entirely to the transaction of public business. To enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions of the A¤¤¤¤¥1¤¤v¢¤· law granting thirty days` annual leave to the emplo ·ees of the Government Printing Office. three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1300