121-1: FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 1483, 1484. 1905. SPN *°*' °°l°·*'i°¤ *° Sec. 2. That all sums appropriated b this Act for salaries of officers be m mn. PP P Y _ _ and employees of the Government shall be in full for such salaries for Reveal. the Hscal year nineteen hundred and six, and all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved, March 3, 1905. Much 8,1905. CHAP. 1484.-A ActM k`f st l d H °` th - [K R·1°15°·] priations for the tiscali year ;n<dilrIga§iib(bpili‘irit)iIdth?dirigteienehdbadfddsdhd fiiigmdhtii {Public, No. 217.] or prior years, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ¢(5fR@W€867Lbdbt®68 of the United _ States of limeriea in Oongreas assemble , That the following sums be, l"’@°'*°“°‘°s “PP’°' and the same are hereb , appropriated out of an mone in the TreaspI1X110X1S. _ y K 7 X _ y- ury not otherwise appropriate , to Supply deficiencies ID the appropriations for the fisc year nineteen hundred and five, and for prior years, and for other objects hereinafter stated, namely: D°¥’“"*'“°“*°* S°“‘°· DEPARTMENT OF STATE.` H°"°'· For the purchase of four horses for the official use of the Department of State., one thousand two hundred dollars. C,},{‘,§f,§§§},‘{““*P’“°“ INT1·:nN.4TroNAr. Parson Commssron: For transportation, typewrit- _ ing and clerical work, traveling expenses, postage, stationery, and labor in the making of reports for the International Prison Commission, nine hundred and twenty-one dollars. F<>r¢i¤¤i¤¤¤¤=¤¤r¤¢· Formica mrmzoounsn. adcmfgfjm **’°”°*’°° Sammns, cmuzons D,AFFAIRES AD mrnrumz To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury_on account of the appropmption “Salaries, charges d’aifa1res ad 1DtBI'].II1,” for· the iiscal years, as o lows: · For the fiscal ear nineteen hundred and four, twent —four dollars d th'rt li y ts y an 1 y- ve cen . For the fiscal ear nineteen hundred and three, three hundred and iift f d l y d f tts , - our o lars an or y·six cen . Igor the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, one dollar. £s;¤i<>¤· ¤¤i¤¤- RENT or BUILDINGS Fon LEGATION IN CHINA! To pay amounts found ' due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on at-count of the appropriation “Rent of buildings for legation in China,” for the liscal year nineteen hundred and three, sixteen dollars and fifty-four cents. nrlngingnomecum- BRINGING norm CRIMINALSZ To pay amounts found due by the "‘“’”· accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation " Bringing home crirninals," for the fiscal year nineteen undred and` four, seven hundred and twenty-seven dollars and ten cents. cf£;$§;$·¢¤¤I>¤¤¤¤¤· CONTINGENT r·:x1>r:Nsr·:s, UNITED STATES CONSULATESZ To supply a ` deficiency in the appropriation "Contingent expenses, United States c0nsulates," including a l objects mentioned under this. title of approriation in the di lomatio and consular appropriation act for the hscal P _ P PP P year nineteen hundred and five, thirty thousand dollars. F¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤f¤¤ Hereafter the Secretar of State shall, in subniittin estimates for consulates. , y . g . . the consular service, segregate, and subnnt separately, estimates for rent of consular offices, an under contingent expenses estimate for the amount required annually to be expended at consular offices for purposes within the discretion of the Department. To pay amountsfound due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for "Contingent expenses, United States consulates,” for the fiscal years as follows:
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