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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1306

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FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 1484. 1905. 1219 UNDER Tun SMITHSONIAN 1Ns·rrrU·r10N. m§,!g*uf**°°¤’*¤ ¥¤¤**· To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treas- P,§{*i°“"* z°°‘°¥*°“l ury on account of the appropriation “National Zoological Park," for ` tlhelfiscal year nineteen hun red and three, seven hundred and fifty o ars. To pay amounts found due by the accountin officers of the Treas- ‘f,°"““ °“* °*· ury on account of the appropriation “Continggit expenses, Independ- ggeggsurinzqmdent ent Treasury," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, twenty thousand three hundred and fifty-four dollars and ten cents. mars AND assay ormons. Mi¤¢¤ ¤¤d my _ omces. Mnrr sr Dmwmz, Cononanoz For wages of workmen and not I>¤¤v¤r. <><>1<>- exceeding two thousand seven hundred dollars for other clerks and employees, five thousand dollars. . _ For incidental and contingent expenses, four thousand dollars. To complete the mechanical equipment of the mint at Denver, Colorado, thirty thousand dollars. BU1.moN FUND: The Secretary of the Treasur is authorized to P¤{,1¤<1<=1,v¤13.P¤- reimburse the bullion fund of the mint at Philadelpliia for the balance £i¤i°¤iu::n餢. of forty-six thousand one hundred and thirty-two dollars and forty- two cents due on account of the melter and refiner’s gold wastage out of the unerpended balance to the credit of the appropriation for parting and refining bullion. · ‘ Rmmaunsmmmz or Faux A. Lmou; For reimbursement of }',`g,_{{*{,`j,;uI·j,·;Fulg; Frank A. Leach, superintendent of the Mint at San Francisco, California, for amount of money paid into the Treasury of the United States, being the sum stolen rom the cashier’s vault by the chief clerk of the Mint, twenty-five thousand dollars. _ For examination of mints, expense in visiting mints and asmy E“‘““"“°"“· °‘°· offices for the purpose of supervising the annual settlements and for special examinations, four hundred and ninety-five dollars. _ To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treas- c§§‘,’Q,fg’§§,‘f‘j§f,;,§’,§Qé_ ury on account of the appropriation "Contingent expenses, mint at San Francisco," for the tiscal year nineteen hundred and four, three hundred and thirty-three dollars and sixty-two cents. WW ummm To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the TreasuryY` on account of the a propriation "New machinery, mint at Sun Francisco,” four hundred) an twenty-two dollars and seventy-seven cents. Chmcm N C To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury csnzsngcuiéipéhm. on account of the appro` riation "Contingent expenses, assay office at Charlotte," for the tiscalpyear nineteen hundred and four, three dollars and ninety cents. mnnrexonxr rnnasuar. m}y'id°"°”°°"t T""' Onion or Assrsmnr Tamsuamz AT Bantrmoimz For two clerks, §§fQ_§§°’°-Mdat the rate of one thousand six hundred dollars each for the balance of theltiscal year nineteen hundred and tive, one thousand and thirty-eight · dollars. To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for contingent expenses, °°"““‘““°°‘p°““°‘ Independent Treasury, ten thousand ollars. covnnmumrr in run rnaarroarns. T"’”‘°“°*’· To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treas- ‘““*“ ury on account of the appropriation “Contingent expenses, Territory of Alaska," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, one dollar and thirty-two cents.