1220 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. N°'°’rM°x*°°· For the salar of the additional associate justice of the supreme court asgeiiiagaiiiizitlgiionul of the Territog of New Mexico, appointed under the Act of April ‘*"'°’P‘“2‘ twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four: _ For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, one hundred and eighty-one dollars and thirty-two cents; For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, three thousand dollars. Igglggggéxmnms LEGISLATIVE EXPENSES, Tmzmtroizr or OKLAHoMA: Logan County ` Investment Company, rent of office rooms for second uarter nineteen hundred and four, one hundred and twenty-five doliars; James M. McConnell, balance of salary for first uarter nineteen hundred and four, one hundred and eight dollars and sixty-five cents, -and for salary second quarter nineteen hundred and four, three hundred and " seventy-five dollars, as clerk in Secretary’s office, four hundred and eighty-three dollars and sixty-five cents; Louis Thomas, two months’ salary as clerk and steno ·a her in Secretary’s office, one hundred and fifty dollars; Nellie Z. lglmball, two months’ salary as clerk and stenoglrapher in Seereta ’s office, one hundred and thirty dollars; in all, cig t undred and eight ·eight dollars and sixty-five cents, being for the fiscal year nineteen liiundred and four. mem ozcoiumua. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ’ m.,,,,,,-·, 0mm_ ASSESSOR’S orrrcnz To enable the assessor of the District of Columbia to complete the assessments of real and personal taxes by the employment of temporary services, eight hundreddollars. 0<>¤>¤¤f¤ ww- CORONER,S orrrcnz For amount required to ay the deputy coroner fof services during the absence of the coroner, For the fiscal years that o low: . ‘ For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, two hundred and fifty- five dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, twenty-five dollars. oonaugeumxpemu. CONTINGENT Exrnnsns: For additional amount required to meet the objects set forth in the appro riation for contingent expenses of the government of the District of Columbia, for the fiscal years that follow: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, sixty-nine dollars and sixty cents. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, one dollar and fifty-six cents. V Mun- For additional amount required for postage for strictly official mail matter, two thousand dollars. Judicialexpeuses. For additional amount required to meet the objects set forth in the _ appropriation for judicial expenses, fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, three hundred and sixty-nine dollars and seventy-five cents. For additional amount required for general advertising authorized and required by law, and for tax and school notices and notices of chan es in re lations, fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, three hundred and thhty-eight dollars and sixty cents. B¤r•·ir¤» For shelving and repairs to old record vault, and for services in the arrangement of records therein, necessary for their preservation, four » hundred and fifty-five dollars. Permanent system Pnnmanurzr srsrma or mouwars: For additional amount required °*;i;°,'°‘;;{,',l‘§f to pay the expenses of carrying out the plan for the extension of a v.,;,?;, ,,5m, permanent system of highways in conformity with the “Act to provide a permanent system of highways in that part of the District of Columbia lying outside of cities," approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, for the service of the fiscal year nineteen ‘ hundred and two, to be paid wholly from the revenues of the District of Columbia, thirteen dollars and ninety-eight cents. mEf"°’ ““ '*'* Smmrrrsz Harborand river front: For additional amount required for the improvement and protection of the harbor and river front, the enforcement of laws and regulations, construction and maintenance of
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1307