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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/131

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F IF TY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 1904. 43 For salaries and expenses of agents and subordinate officers of internal revenue, fifty dollars. For punishment for violation of internal-revenue laws, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. ‘ For rebate of tax on tobacco, Act of March third, eighteen hundred andteighty-three, six hundred and fifty-seven dollars and thirty-four cen s. For refunding moneys erroneously received and covered, one hundred and fifteen dollars. For repayment of taxes on distilled spirits destroyed by casualty, thirty-one dollars and ninety-two cents. For payment of judgments against internal-revenue officers, seventeen thousand two hundred and forty-one dollars and fifty-seven cents. cmms ALIDWED BY mu Am;~IT0R Fon THE WAR Dnrnrmnm. A,$1d‘§§{.“f§}*°,‘§§,dD*;¥ ment. For pay, and so forth, of the Army, eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and twenty-two cents. For pay of two and three year volunteers, five dollars and six cents. For subsistence of the Army, three thousand one hundred and eiglhty-five dollars and eight cents. or regular supplies, Cguartermastefs Department, fifty dollars and seventy- ree cents. For incidental expenses, Quartermaster’s Department, one hundred and Sixty-five dollars and nine cents. For trans rtation of the Army and its supplies, fifty thousand seven hundred andlfortydawo dollars and sixty-four cents. For barracks and quarters, three hundred and sixty-one dollars and ninety-nine cents. ( For headstones for graves of soldiers, forty-nine dollars and seventy- nine cents. For Medical and Hospital Department, thirty-three dollars and eighty cents. For artificial limbs, twenty-nine dollars and sixty-two cents. For contingencies of fortifications, twenty-four dollars and ninety- seven cents. For National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Pacific Branch, ei%hty-eight dollars and fourteen cents. or National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, clothing, fifty- six dollars and four cents. For refunding to States expenses incurred in raising volunteers, nine hundred and twenty-one thousand one hundred and t irty-four dollars and thirty-six cents. For horses and other property lost in the-military service, two hundred and fifty-eight dollars. For gunboats on western rivers, thirty-three dollars and forty-eight cents. For pay, transportation, services, and supplies of Oregon and Washington volunteers in eighteen hundred and fifty-tive and eighteen hundred and fifty-six, seven hundred dollars and thirty-nine cents. cnxms Annownn nr rum Acnrroa ron ms Naw nnrxncmmzr. A§,§'{},§f,,§’§§$‘,¥ $2 partment. ' For contingent and miscellaneous expenses, Hydrographic Office, two dollars and sixty-nine cents. For emergency fund, Navy Department, twenty dollars and fifteen cents. For pay of the Navy, six hundred and thirteen dollars and eighty- four cents.