44 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 1904. For pay, miscellaneous, one hundred and seventy dollars and sixty- six cents. For contingent, Navy, eleven dollars and seventy-eight cents. For pay, Marine Corps, one hundred and ninety-six dollars and ‘ twenty cents. . For hire of quarters, Marine Corps, forty-six dollars and twenty cents. ` For contingent, Marine Corps, four hundred and seventeen dollars and six cents. For trans rtation, recruitin and contingent, Bureau of Navigation, Eve hundredxand forty-nine doBars and ninety-nine cents. For contingent, Bureau of Ordnance, two thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight dollars and twelve cents. _ For equipment of vessels, Bureau of Equipment, one thousand two hundred and thirty-eight dollars and e' hty-seven cents. · For ocean and lake surveys, Bureau 5 Equipment, twenty-six cents. For contingent, Bureau of Equipment, eight hundred and £fty-two dollars and ninety cents. . :_» · For contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, one cent. For provisions, Navy, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, two hundred and sixty dollars and ninet cents. . . For contingent, Bureau of Syupplies and Accounts, two thousand one hundred and fifty-four dollars and eight —two cents. -‘: .. For steam machinery, Bureau of Steam Engineering, five,§oHn,ts and seventy-three cents. . For indemnity for lost property, naval service, Act of March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six dollars and two cents. For indemnity for lost clothing, sixty dollars. · For destruction of clothing and bedding for sanitary reasons, two hundred and fifty-five dollars and thirty-one cents. For bounty for destruction of enemy’s vessels, forty-four dollars . and ninety-three cents. ' For enlistment bounties to seamen, seven hundred and sixty-seven dollars and thirty-six cents. ggéignglggvzlcgdgg cnnus ALIDWED BY THE AUDITOR Fon THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. For reimbursement to receivers of public moneys, excess of deposits, five dollars. _ For salaries and commissions of re isters and receivers, two hundred and seventy-two dollars and twenty-Shree cents. _ For protection of forest reserves, fifteen dollars and forty cents. For appraisal and sale of abandoned military reservations, eight hundred and ninety dollars and eighty-one cents. For surveying the public lands, eleven thousand nine hundred and twenty-three do lars and seventy-one cents. For Geological Survey, forty-nine dollars and thirteen cents. For pay of Indian agents, six hundred and twenty-five dollars and fifty-five cents. For telegraphing and purchase of Indian supplies, thirtv—seven dollars and sixty cents. ` For transportation of Indian supplies, seven hundred and ninetvseven dollars and twenty-three cents. ` For incidentals in Nevada, including support and civilization, thirtv dollars and thirty-seven cents. ` For incidentals in New Mexico, one dollar and seventy-five cents. For surveying Pine Ridge, Rosebud, and Standin Rock reservations, four thousand two hundred and ninety-four dogars. For army pensions, ninety-six dollars.
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