FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484, 1905. 1225 of Texas, in defense of the frontier of that State against Mexican marauders and Indian depredations, for which reimbursement has not been made out of the Treasury of the United States. MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. mgfllmw E°”**>“°**· PAY or THE ARMY: For pay of officers of the staff and line, five Fw <>f ¤¤‘1<=¤r¤· hundred thousand dollars; For pay of enlisted men, nine hundred thousand dollars; E“"""d “‘°“· _ In al , one million four hundred thousand dollars, to be aid out of V°l· 32* l’· 5"“· ` the unexpended balance of the appropriation for "Pay, and) so forth, ‘ of the Army " for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, which is hereby reappropriated for said purposes. _ For‘mileage to officers and contract surgeons, when authorized by “"°“g°· law, one hundred thousand dollars, to be paid out of the unexpended V°‘· 3* l‘· 51* balance of the appropriation for "Pay, and so forth, of the Army" for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, which is hereby reappropriated for said purposes. qUARTERMAsTEn’s DEPARTMENT. Qumenunmrsvcpamnent. REGULAR SUPPLIESZ For regular supplies of the Quartermaster’s Resulu supplies. Department, including all objects mentioned under this head in the army appropriation Act for fiscal years as follows: · For t decal year nineteen hundred and five, seven hundred thou- mppmpmuon. sand dollars, together with the further sum of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be paid out of the unexpended balance of the V°*· 3* P- *1*- appropriation foI··"B.egular Supplies” for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, which is hereby reap reprinted for said purpose. d Sor the fiscal year nineteen hundred) and four, ninety thousand o ars. ~ ~ MHIHARY POST, Fontr SNELLING, MINNEsoTA: To complete the pur- {gg§{¤;&*,;g·M*¤¤· chase of land lying south of the Fort Snelling Military Reservation ` for use as a target range, and for the purchase of the Improvements theedn, fifteeré tlligupand dollarsld a h . or re ir o thennessee so iers monument. the ro rt of the K¤°““*°· Tem- United £tes, in the national cemetery at Knoxville, llerihlesgee, five mdniimh of mmm` thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. CLAIMS ron PROPERTY TAKEN mom CONFEDERATE 0FF1oEIzs AND Brgggggfgfegj *`·>¤f°d· soLD1I:ns AFIER sUImENDEIz: For pa ment of claims filed with the Vol.8‘2,p.4a. QUBTUBTMBSWY-G8D€1‘El under Act of hebruary twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two, and amendments thereto, for horses, saddles, and bridles taken from Confederate soldiers in violation of terms of surrender, one hundred thousand dollars. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Fnsinw Department. SURVEY Fon WAGON ROAD FROM VALDEZ TO Four EGBEET, ALASKA: gluknbm For a survey and estimate of cost of a wagon road from Valdez to °g°° ‘ Fort Egbert, on the Yukon River, to ·be made under the direction of the Secretary of War, five thousand seven hundred dollars and sixty- i three cents. . Sunvmr ron MILITARY TRAIL BETWEEN YUKON Rrvnn AND Conn- Miliwrvmil. FOOT, ALAsI<A: For surveying and locating a military trail under the direction of the Secretar of War, by the shortest and most lpracticable route, between the Yukon River and Coldfoot, on the oyukuk River, to be immediately available, one thousand four hundred and thirty-one dollars and fifteen cents.
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