1224 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 14s4. 1905. Two hundred and eighty-seven of this session, twenty-one dollars and thirty-three cents. g§gd’§°,%§O%§ggY· Cnnmr IN Aocouurs or Muon Gnonen T. HoLLowAY: The accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized and directed to open the accounts of Major George T. Holloway, additional paymaster, United States Volunteers, and to credit him with the sum of one hundred and twenty-three dollars and fifty-three cents, as recommended, under authority of the Secreta.ry of Wa1·, by the Paymaster-General United States Army. _ ggggfgygie OL Rnrnnn ro run nsnm or Hamer Pnnsnsmlz To refund to Jessie M. Parshall, of Valentine, Nebraska, widow of Harry Parshall, formerly second lieutenant, Twenty-second United States Infantry, the sum belonging to the said Harry Parshall and erroneously covered into the Treasury to the credit of “Miscellaneous receipts " by Captain O. B. ‘ ` Meyer, Fourteenth United States Cava] , as per certificate of deposit Numbered Three hundred and three of gptember twentieth, nineteen hundred and four, fifty dollars. {;,,¥’,,;,§,,,_ Rnmtnuasnumnr ro Muon J. B. Housrosz To reimburse Major . J. B. Houston, paymaster, United States Volunteers, the amount refunded by him to the Government on account of payment on September third, nineteen hundred, at Portland, Ore n, of two sets of forged iinal statements of discharged enlisted men, {Though no fault on his part, three hundred and thirty-three dollars. · §,‘{§{§ff,§*f,f,;,§,§;,,,,,_ Cnnnrr IN rim Accounrs or Linurnnnnr Ennis Swrm, J umon: That the accounting officers of the Treasury be, and they are hereby, · directed to credit in the accounts of Lieutenant Eben Swift, junior, Eleventh United States Cavalry, the sum of four hundred and twenty- four dollars and .twenty-nine cents standing against him on the bookvs of the Treasury. · {,$§g‘,{;,{*§§jf,‘}f,f;8_ Cnnnrr IN rm; Aocomrrs or Lrnurmnnur J om: J. Bomncn: That the accounting officers of the Treasury be, and they are hereby, directed to credit in the accounts of Lieutenant John J. Boniface, Fourth United States Cavalry, the sum of one hundred and fifty-four dollars and fifty-two cents standing against him on the books of the Treasuiy c°2,{}f§,Ffg,‘f,{;,,,, Cnmnrr m mn Aooourrrs or CAPTAIN Crunmzs Knmna: That the accounting officers of the Treasury be, and they are hereb , directed to credit in the accounts of Captain Charles Keller, Corps of Engineers, the sum of thirteen dollars and sixty-three cents now standing against him on the books of the Treasury. · {,,':,';{Q‘,f·_’cQ°*':‘,{{‘,‘· Cnanrr IN run Aocounrs or Conoum. Jnmzs M. MAnsnAm.: The accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized and directed to reopen the accounts of Colonel James M. Marshall, Assistant Quartermaster—General, United States Army, and to credit him with the sum of thirty-three dollars, expended by him in July, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, under instructions of the Assistant Secretary of War and the Quartermaster-General, in payment for preparing an abstract of title of certain land donated to the United States for the military post at Fort Harrison, Montana. ,,f°*“‘ “‘°*"’°“ “°"‘ Cnmnrr in rm-: Aocourrrs or Cnenm J om: Srrnrnrm Srswnm.: The Grew i¤ www- accounting officers of the Treasury are authorized and hereby directed to allow and credit on the books of the Treasury the sum of two hundred and thirty-eight dollars and fifty cents in settlement of the _ accounts of Captain John Stephen Sewell, Corps of Engineers. 'f,$§“· mg mw Snrn or Tnxnsz The Secretary of War is hereby directed to inquire, 1¤¤¤e°=$>iS¤m¤, ew. and report to Congress for its consideration, what sum or sums of money were actually expended by the State of Texas durin the period of time between February twenty-eighth eighteen hundred and fifty-five, and June twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty in payment of State volunteers or rangers called into service by authority of the governor .
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1311