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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1317

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1230 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. To pay account on file for transportation of enlisted men, fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, forty-four dollars and eighty cents. F¤¤l· ***0- FUEL: For heating barracks and quarters, for ranges and stoves for cooking, fuel for enlisted men, for sales to officers, maintaining electric lights, and for hot-air closets, fiscal year nineteen- hundred and four, four thousand one hundred and fourteen dollars and sixty-one cents. Mmm'? S*°'°’· MILITARY STORES! Military stores for the Marine Corps, including all objects mentioned under this title of appropriation in the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, twenty _ thousand dollars. N¤v¤lAc¤d¢¤ly- · NAVAL ACADEMY. Fw- °*°· Fuel, oil, waste, and other materials for the operation, repair, and maintenance of the plant; heating and lighting apparatus and tools, and for heating and lighting the academy and bandsmen’s quarters, ten thousand dollars. C°“**“g°“‘°‘P°”“°“· For contingent expenses, including the payment of voucher in favor of the Annapolis, Vl ashington and Baltimore `Railroad Company for service during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, fifty-nine cents. dglllreall of N¤vls¤·BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. T¤*¤¤P°’*¤**°¤· TRANSPORTATIONZ For the transportation of enlisted men and appren- `. tices at home and abroad; transportation and subsistence en route to their homes, if residents of the United States, of enlisted men and apprentices discharged on medical survey; transportation and subsistence en route to the places of enlistment, if residents of the United States, of enlisted men and a` prentices discharged on account of expiration of enlistment; apprehension and delivery of deserters and stragglers, and for railway guides, and other expenses incident to transportation, on account of fiscal years as follows: d For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, sixty-Eve thousand o ars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, ten thousand dollars. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury Department on account of the appropriation "Transp0rtation, Bureau of Navigation," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, seven hundred and sixty-one dollars and thirty-four_ceuts._ _ §,°Q}j,{§,,mce_ RIRINTENANCE or commas: For pay, transportation, shipping. and , . subsistence of c1v1l1an officers and crews of naval colliers, and all expenses connected with naval colliers employed in emergencies which can not be paid from other appropriations, one hundred and sixty-eight thousand four hundred and eighty dollars. .,§§f‘s‘°'“ H“'b°' I”‘ NAVAL WAR CoLLI:em: For maintenance of Naval \Var College at Naval War College. Coasters Harbor Island and care of grounds for same, two thousand tive hundred dollars. For public printing and binding for the Naval War College, one thousand two hundred dollars. BureauofOrdnance. BUREAU OF ORDNANCE. '”d¤¤¤°°¤*°l’°¤· ORDNANGR AND oru>NANcn sronmss To supply a deficiency in the appropriation "Ordnance and ordnance stores/’ including all objects mentioned under this title of a propriation in the naval appropriation

 for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, five hundred thousand

0 ars. ` To supply a deficiency in the appropriation “Ordnance and ordnance stores " for the fiscal year ended ffme thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, one thousand four hundred and sixty-three dollars. To supply a deficiency in the appropriation “Ordnance and ordnance stores " for the fiscal year ended June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, thirty-seven thousand five hundred and ninety dollars.