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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1318

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FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. 1231 To sugply a deficiency in the appro riation “Ordnance and ordnance stcres" or the fiscal year ended Jiine thirtieth, nineteen hundred, eleven thousand nine hundred and eight dollars and eighty cents. CoN·r1NoEN·r: To supply a d•ciency in the appropriation "Contin- ¤<>¤¤¤:¤¤¤- gent, Bureau of Ordnance," for the tiscal ear ended June thirtieth, nmeteen hundred and three, one hundred and fifty-one dollars and forty-eight cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for “Contingent, Bureau of Ordnance, ’ fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, five thousand and eighty-three dollars and fourteen cents. To supply a deficiency in the appro riation “Contingent, Bureau of Ordnance," for the fiscal year ended Tune thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, thirteen dollars and thirty-nine cents. »BUREAU or nqmrmnwr. Burew ¤f Equivment. EQUTPMENT OF vnss1¤Ls: To pa the vouchers set forth on page Equipment of vn thirty-two of House Document Diyumbered Two hundred and eighty- °°]°' seven of this session, not received at the Department until after the balance under the appropriation named had been covered into the Treasury, being for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, one thousan six hundred and thirty-nine dollars and four cents. To pay the vouchers set forth on e thirty-two of House Docu- ‘ment Numbered Two hundred and gildnty-seven of this session, not received aghe Department until after 5m balance under the a propriation nam lmd been covered into the Treasury, being for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, two thousand and seventy-two dollars . and thirty cents: ` Commomrz To pay bills in hand and outstanding obligations °°"‘*"*'°°*· - incurred under the appropriation named, the amount in the Treasury thereunder having been exhausted, being for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, five thousand dollars. To pay amounts found due by the accounting omcers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for " ontingent, Bureau of Equipment," fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, one thousand and seventy-eight dollars and eighteen cents. To pay the following voucher, not received at the Department until after the balance under the appropriation named had been covered into the Treasur , bein for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one: Metropolitan Steamship Company, three dollars and twenty-five cents. . annmu or mans Asn pocxs. D§,‘{,¥;_’°“°"’°"‘”°“" Maintenance, Yards and Docks: For general maintenance of yards ”’·*“‘““°“°‘* and docks, includin all objects mentioned under this title of aplproriation in the navallappropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen undred and five, fifty thousand dollars. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Maintenance, Bureau of Yards and Docks," for the iiscaii year nineteen hundred and four, two hundred and forty-four dollars and seventy-one cents. BUREAU OF nmnxcxun AND suxemzr. mg¤§y;e<;;}*¤¢di¤i¤¤ Conrmemritz For contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, nine~ C°“““g°“‘· teen hundred and four, to pay approved vouchers set fort on gages thirt -three, thirty-four, and thirty-five of House Document umbered Two hundred and eighty-seven, and in House Document Numed Three hundred and thirty-three, of this session, six thousand three hundred and twenty-seven dollars and twenty-nine cents.