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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1325

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_ 1238 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 14:84. 1905. of House Document Numbered Two hundred and eighty-seven of this session, three thousand eight hundred and twenty-cig t dollars and epghty-six cents. · P¤¤¤i<>¤¤· PENSION S. Am? “*" N"?- Army and Navy (pensions as follows: For invalids, widows, minor children, and depen ent relatives, army nurses, and all other pensioners who are now borne on the rolls, or who may hereafter be pllaced thereon, §f,“,",€’,‘QQ,m,0,,,_ under the provisions of any and all Acts of Congress: ovided, That the apprppiriliation aforesaid goranavyfpensiagilsa s all bpapaid frcéprthtg income o e navy pension un , so ar as same s su cien A°°°“““· for that purpose: And provided furt/wr. That the amount expended under each o the above items shall be accounted for separately, four million five hundred thousand dollars. · mI':'j_‘°“*°° D°’“". POST·OFFICE DEPARTMENT. l » , , _ ”*•"°°°¤· · · For statiunerya¤d·bla¤k.l¤>oks,·inelndingamnunt—aeeemry furthe · purchase of freepenalty e¤vek§: sirthousand dollars. ml- For fuel, on account of the 1 year nineteen hundred and four, H to three hundred and sixty~n.ine dollars and ninety-six cents._ °”°°' °For purchase, exchange, and keeping of horses and repair of walgons and harness, to be used only for official purpom, three hundred dollars. T°l°*"“Pm“*· For telegraphipg on account of the iisca year nineteen hundred and four, two hundre and forty-four dollars and thirty cents. _ F“"“'“'°‘ For furniture, on account of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, forty dollars and ninety-one cents. ‘ . P¤¤*·1M*i¤¢- _ our or mn rosnr. nnvnnmzs. A 1*****- °'*°- For rent, light, and fuel for first, second, and third class st-oflices iift thousand dollars P0 l '1`W*¤·=·¤°°-Pyor wrapping twine and t ing devices, fifty-nine thousand dollars. tW¤¤>P*¤¤ P¤P°*· Wrapping paper, twenty tlxousand dollars. °°` _For wrapping paper and paper for facing slips for the liscal year nineteen hundred an two, one ousand six hundred and sixty dol rs. i*·=i·-='““·¥'·**"·i*“° 4 FA"` ".§”l““‘“'l$`“ “‘l.‘l '?lj“5“'t"oa.."“’ *°H}`° SL" l'°¢$.’,?.l“°¤?°E‘>l‘““` V re an our ena e e os pa en . ambers, Lodge, Virginia, the contractor for the manufacture otdpostmarking stamps, for steell dies "1906,’;l heretofpre ordlpred an received from im, and whic amount was isallow by the Comptroller of the Treapiury, one thousand one hundred and seventymine dollars and seventy- ve cents. ' m¤n,e¤c. For blanks, blank books, printed matter, metal advertising signs twine, carbon paper, and articles pertaining to its use in the issue and payment of money orders, fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, five thousand five hundred and thirty-nine dollars and sixteen cents. F¤¤*¤8 ¤¤l>¤· ¤¤=· For printing facing slips, and cutting same, card slide labels, blanks, and books of an urgent nature, five thousand dollars. gfx; ¤*°°°°¤€" For mail messenger service, forty-one thousand dollars. srgsfem. Mail bags, cordfasteners, label cases, and for labor and material ‘ necessary for repairing equipment, and for incidental expenses per— taining thereto, thirty-seven thousand dollars. S"*‘“P°‘·‘ °””l°P°¤· hFor miagufacture of stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers, ten thousand 0 lars. ”‘“"”’““°'* For pay of agents and assistants to distribute stamped envelo and w r wra pers, and ex nses of agency, five thousand dolihsrs. ne SP°P° P Pe ' - For pay of agent and assistants to distribute stamps, and expenses of Mm mt agency, two thousand dollars. _ _ _ . , For pay of agents and assistants to distribute postal cards, and expenses of agency. one thousand dollars.