FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. 1237 the superintendent of the southern Utah school for the Shebit Indians during July, nineteen hundred and four, being for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and Eve, three hundred and forty-three dollars and eighty-four cents. ‘ ‘ To pay amounts found due by the accounting oilieers of the Treasury m¥i=¤i¤¤iv¤i 0¤¤·=— on account of the appropriation "Removal of Mississi iChootaws to Rdinoval w xmum the Indian 'I`erritory," two hundred and eighty-two. ddliars and forty- T“"“°"" four cents. “ _ For support of Indian day and industrial schools, and for other §{‘,¥,’,§",}‘,,_“°,l‘,}’,_°l" educationa purposes: That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and 'rooted to transfer from the unexpended balance of the appropriation ‘-‘Indian schools, support, " nineteen hundred and ” three, ’ to "Indian schools, sup ort, nineteen hundred and four," the sum of twenty-five thousand dohars, to pay the outstanding indebtedness for nineteen hundred and four. To pay amounts found due-by the accounting officers of the Treasury T¤1¤1ir> R¤¤¢rv¤¤<>¤. on account of the appropriation "Indiai1 school, Tulalip Reservation, ww" Washington: Buildings," three dollars and sixty-two cents. Foifgtneral incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Indian Ter- }:gid¢¤,,*:;*r;,¥w¤¤¤ ritorygimcluding incidental expenses of the inspector’s office and for mn m' pay of employees, eight thousand dollars. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treas- M¤¤*·¤¤¤· my onllscount of the appropriation “Incidentals in Montana, includ- . ing employees," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, three hund and seventy-four dollars and eightyéive cents. ‘ . To pay amounts found due by- the accounting officers of the Treas- §;¤{{,>:i ury on account of the appropriation “Asylum for insane Indians, Can-. Y °` ton, South Dakota," for theliscal year nineteen hundred and four, . forip hundred agdstwentythrge dollars and fiftg-five cents. h G0 N to H o su a e cienc in the appropriation or Commission to the {nm ‘?“ '° Five Ciilillged Tribes, ideluding allpobhcts mentioned under this title cTnl$ii.hii4li°°` of appropriation as provided in the Act of April twenty-first, nineteen hun red and four, making appropriations for current and contin ent ‘ expenses of the Indian Department for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, being the amount absolutely required to complete the ivork of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes within said fiscal year, forty thousand dollars. ' For clerical work and labor connected with the sale and leasing of ,uQ;5*;°';_{j';“‘f,Q’j”';§,$ Creek and leasing of Cherokee lands, fifteen thousand dollars. · re¤~e·}=." To pay the expenses of purchasing goods and supplies for the Indian Su;;j{Q;f*’"¤· *‘°*‘·· Service and pay of necessary employees; advertising, at rates not exeeedin regular commercial rates; inspection, and al other expenses connected therewith, and for tele raphing, for the tisual year nineteen hundred and four, one thousand dollars. For the su port and education of one hundred and fifty Indian pupils f’f;(gQ‘:;· at Morris, Diinnesota, one thousand dollars. I ixrmuon DEPARTMENT, iuisorzammnocs. Miscellaneous. To pay amount:. found due by the accounting officers of the Treas- ¤¤¤¤F=¤¤<>¤¤iP¤¤l¤ urv on account of the appropriation for "General Grant National Park," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three. four dollars and thirty-six cents. For payment to certain United States deputy surveyors for surveys S““'°>’”·°'°~ and resurvcys of public lands executed by them, necessary to complete the surveys under their contracts, being the amounts found due them by the Commissioner of the General Land Office in accordance with the rates as authorized in the Acts making appropriation for the survev and resurvey of public lands for the tiscal years in which the work iwas executed, and as set forth on pages forty-four and forty-tive
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