1240 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. Miscellaneous. For miscellaneous expenditures, including telegraphing, fuel, lights, foreign postage, labor, repairs of buildings, care of grounds, books of reference, riodicals, and other necessaries, directly ordered by the Attorney-(iidneral, for the fiscal years as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and live, three thousand five hundred dollars. _ For the nscal year nineteen hundred and four, one hundred and twenty-eight dollars and thirty-six cents. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, eighty-two dollars and two cents. . · ropes, 1>.1z. Pnrzn Momcr, Ponca, Ponro Rico: To satisfy a decree rendered by P"" m°"°y‘ the supreme court of the District of Columbia, m the case. of Charles H. Davis, ca tain, United States Navy, and others, against the Paz, Ventura, and) others, one thousand five hundred dollars. BvY,Q;“¤¤¤ Michwl PAYMENT or WILIJAM MICHAEL Braun: For the payment of YV11- ‘r¤y13mm¤. . liam Michael B rne for salary as United States district attorney for · the district of Uelaware, from_ March fifth to October sixth, nineteen hundred and three, inclusive, one thousand one hundred and eighty- two dollars and sixt -one cents. . ggggfgggggg _Ju1>1cuL: For salisries of clerks, commissioners, and constables, and ` expenses of commissioners and judges, in the Indian Territory, one ¤1····¤ we thi·°S°°°idqHm'i in a 1 k · it 1 (1- 1 · · t .1 A _ _ _· or sa aries o e eputy c er s in e n ian_ erritory, a 1 o1n e V0 m' P 695 under the Act of March first, eighteen hundred and ninety-lilac, and acts amendatory thereto, at the rate of one thousand two hundred dol- . lars per annum, thirteen thousand seven hundred and seventy-six ` dollars and ninety-one cents. . 1 _ ,u$gf“°"*l' °*"°““ For the salary of the additional circuit judge for the first `udicial Ame, p. 617. circuit (Act of January twenty—iirst, nineteen undred and fivel: For the iiscal year nineteen hundred and five, three thousand two hundred and eleven dollars and eleven cents. . For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, seven thousand dollars. ”“"°“°“‘°“°°“"~’· ‘ UNITED STATES COURTS. “°’”*""’· For payment of salaries, fees, and expenses of United States mar- _shals and their deputies, to include payment for services rendered in behalf of the United States or otherwise, for the fiscal ears as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and live, fifty thousand dollars. For the fiscal year ninteen hundred and one, nineteen dollars and _ , seventy-eight cents. ml,Z,*j‘f,:'j;Q,n{‘j,f°°’“°Y“ For salaries of United States district attorneys and expenses of ` United States district attorneys and their regular assistants, for the fiscal years as follows: For the iiwal year nineteen hundred and five, ten thousand dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, twentyafour dollars and seventy-three cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Salaries and expenses of district attorneys, United States courts," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, three thousand and seven dollars and eighty-three cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury 0n· account of the appropriation “Salaries and expenses of district attorneys, United States courts,” for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, two hundred and twent *-four dollars and seventy-six cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Fees of district attorney, south- · ern district of New York, United States courts," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, one hundred and seventy-three dollars and seventy-four cents. ,
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