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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1328

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r1FTY-a1er1TH couenizss, sm. III. ou. 1484. 1905. 1241-_ I For fees of clerks, United States courts, for the fiscal years as fol- 1’¤¤¤<>f¤1•=r1=¤· ows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, forty thousand dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, five thousand dollars. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the gppropriation for "Fees of clerks, United States courts,".for the iisc year nineteen hundred and three, two thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight dollars and twenty-four cents. For fees of jurors, United States courts, for the fiscal years as follows: Jaton' me For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and tive, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For the nscal year nineteen hundred and four, six thousand dollars. For fees of witnesses, fort nthousand dollars. W**¤¤*=°’ *°'=¤· For rent of rooms for the States courts and judicial officers, R°°*°*°°“m°°¤¤· lifteen thousand dollars. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "R.ent of court rooms, United States courts," for the fiscal year nineteen. hundred and four, seven thousand one hundred and thirty-two dollarsand fifty cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Rent of court rooms, United States court.s," for the fiscal year nineteen. hundred and three, one · thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. _ , To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treas- Supplies. ury on account of the appropriation for “Supplies for United States courts,” for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, three hundred '_ and forty dollars and forty-eight cents. - - For pay of baililfs and criers,' not exceeding three bailinsand one Denim ew. crier in each court, except in the southern district of New York: Provided, That all persons `·employed,under_ section seven hundred and fifteen of the Revised Statutes shall be deemed to bein actual a. sg m.v1Z¤,p.1ss. attendance when they attend upon the order of the courts: Proz·idedji1rt/ter, That no such person shall be emplo ed durin vaca- vasmou. tion; of reasonable expenses for travel and attendlmce of district judges directed to hold court outside of their districts, not to exceed ` ten dollars per day each, to be pgid on written certificates of the judges, and such payments shall allowed the marshal in the settlement of his accounts with the United States; expenses of judges of E¤1>¤¤¤~>¤ <•f1¤·¤z¤•. the circuit courts of appeals, not to exceed ten ollars per day; of meals and lodgings for jurors in United States eases, and of bailiils in attendance upon the same, when ordered by the court; and of compen- J¤¤···**¤¤·¤¤·¤··¤•·¤·- sation for jury commissioners, five dollars per day, not cxcee ing three days for an one term of court, thirty-five thousand dollars. For payment of such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized wl£g€“¤¤¢¤‘¤¤ •¤¤· by the Attorney-General, for the United States counts and their oili— ` eers, including the furnishing and collecting of evidence where the l'nitcd States is or mary be a party in interest, and moving of records for the liscal years as ollows: ' For the iiscal year nineteen hundred and live. one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars: Provided, That in so far as it may be rmvzm. deemed necessary by the Attorney-General this appropriation and the ‘““k“· like appropriation for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six shall be availalflle for such expenses in the district of Alaska: Provided furfh··r, That the unexpended Government funds which were in the hands me of unexpended of the clerks of the district court for the district of Alaska at the close ‘““‘”- of January twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and five, shall be available for the payment of court expenses in so far as they were available by virtue of then existing law, notwithstanding the provisions of the Act of January twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and tive, entitled "An An1e.P·616· Act to provide for the construction and maintenance of roads, the