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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1330

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. 1243 BIIREAU or Conromrrxous: The unexpended balance of the appro- ,,§_';’““ °* °°’P°”· priation of forty-six thousand dollars made in the legislative, execu- Spwinl ntwrnevs. tive, and judicial appropriation Act approved March eighteenth, nine- °t¥im,x,,¤d,,,; b,;. teen-hundred and four, forcompensation to be fixed by the Secretary °“jf,,j"¤{g°· of Commerce and Labor of special attorneys and others for the ur- vcraij p. sn. P pose of carrying on the work of said Bureau as provided by the Act to V establish the Bepartment of Commerce and Labor, approved February · fourteenth, nineteen hundred and three, remaining unexpended June thirt1eth,_ nineteen hundred and tive, is herebly rea propriated and girazdleapgigzple for the fiscal year ending June t irtieth, nineteen.hun— _ The unexpended balance of the appropriation of fifteen thousand P" *“°¤· dollars made in the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation got app1ioved)fMai:Sh eighteenth, nineteeg hundred and four, for per MM. r· 186- `em in ieu su istence to each of said s cial attorneys and others while; absent from their homes on duty, andpfnor their actual necessary i traveling expenses, including necessary sleeping-car fares, remaining unexpended June thirtieth, nineteen hundre and five, is hereby reappppptzigzteil an}! naagegvailable for the fiscal year ending June thirtiet , n n un re n six. Drrnounro, Coxsnmn, xm: Coumcncmr. Rnronrs: To pay amounts <£_¤¤¤1¤r." etc-. re found due by the accounting officers of- the Treasury on account of the °° ‘ ' aippropriation *‘ Publication of Diplomatic, Consular, and Commercial eports," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, eight hundred and fourteen dollars and fifty cents. _ » .. _ · , Bnirmaprpg S1:r‘<ioAn1>s:· For extra.labori::l‘;1nng fiscal nine} ugymu M Sundteen un an ve necessaryinconnecnnri eins a iono ‘ · apparatus and equipmiant in the new physical laboratory or the Bureau Awmm o Standards, seven hundred and fifty ollars. 2 . A _` ` For covering with wood the concrete floors on the ground floor of ,,m°°,;°'*"¤ °°'”'°*° thei physical laboratory of the Bureau of Standards, two thousand dollars. · For painting interior walls and corridors of the physical and chem- P¤i¤¤¤s· ical laboratories of the Bureau of Standards, two thousand five hundred dollars.» For fuel for heat, light, and power; office expenses, stationery, print- *`“°l· °*°· ing and binding, books and periodicals; trave ing expenses; expenses of the visiting committee; expenses of attendance of American mem-' ber at the meetin of the nternational Committee of Weights and S . { Measures, and contingencies of all kinds, one thousand live undred dollars, one hundred ollars of this amount to be available to meet deficiencies in me appgoprgapon General expenses, Bureau of Standarnineteen un an our. lair the erection of a fire-proof outbuilding in connection with the "*'°"°""’““‘""€· mechanical egluipment of the Bureau of Standards, twelve thousand five hundred ol ars. To amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treas- G°“°""‘°"°“’°’· PW . . urv on account of the appropriation j‘ General expenses, National Biireau of Standards/’ for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, seventy-five dollars and thirty-three cents. mgm H0 F mr Lnmr-Horn: Esrxamsummrrc For salaries, fuel, rations, rent of n,;,m.,.j¤_ us" “° quarters where necessary, and all other necessarv incidental expenses **"“°’= °“‘- of not exceeding one thousand six hundred and fifty light-house and fog-signal keepers and laborers attending other lights, thirteen thousand ollars. _ For seamen’s wages, rations. repairs, salaries. supplies, and tem- ,¥§§Q;j§§‘f1’· porary employnreng, andhall othep ngpessary éncidentalf eypppskes of ' ht vesue .·, including-t e y o officers an crews o ig - ouse tbiiders, and of clerks and otiigr employees in the offices of the light-