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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1329

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-].242 FIFFY-EIGHTH CONGRESS.· Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. establishment and maintenance of schools, and the care and support of insane persons in the district of Alaska, and for other purposes." d Sor the Hscal year nineteen hundred and four, fourteen thousand o ars. Miscellaneous ex- To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury ’°"“°’" on account of the a propriation “Miscellaneous expenses, United States courts," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, two hundred and fifteen dollars and fifteen cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Miscellaneous expenses, United States courts,” for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, seven hundred and eighty-six dollars and fifty cents. . §·§§;]‘gg*rg}>·K¤¤¤· UNITED STATES PENITENTIARY, Lnsvnmworrru, KA1~rsAs: For the ` support of the United States penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, as follows: For emnenses incurred in identifying and pursuin escaped prisoners and or rewards for their recapture, for the iiscad year nineteen hundred and four, thirty-seven dollars and sixteen cents. Cliggggjgmgggly Srsmsn Tnmrrr CLAIh[B` 0NZ For salaries and expenses, s•1.ne¤,m.Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, namely:' For expenses of takin · testimony abroad, to be available until used, twenty-five thousand dollars; and said Commission may expend not exceeding two hundred G dollars for the purchase of law books, maps, and books of reference. c°u;$P°' ·*~ 3***** To pay the award in favor of the personal representative of Gaspar nymenmremnul A. Betancourt ten thousand dollars, at the end of sixty days from the ""”°”°""‘°"° °" date of said award if no new trial or rehearing shall have been had. ,,_¢,gg;;{**·¤··* Dr DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Inggggau or Animal Brrnmu or Anmsr. Innuszrmr; To supply a deficiency in the approeenerii expenses, pr1ation “General expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry," inclu ing ·‘"“· P- 2***- each and pvery olHect auth<i»]riz:zld·0l1>y lap and specified} zlnlthe appsopriation o one mi ion two un an fifty thousand dollars un er this title in the "Act making appropriations for the Department of · Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June thirtietb, nineteen hundred and tive,” a proved A ril twenty-third, nineteen hundred and . four,bo,ne hundred) and fifty llhousand dollars, or so much thereof as ma necessary. - _ ";Fg{¤¤¤ <>* *>¤•* Iznorrncrron or ronasr nnsnnvns: To meet a deficiency in the appropriation for forest reserves, including the objects mentioned and limitations and restrictions mentioned under this title of appropriation in the sundry civil a propriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, fifty tlhousand dollars, of which amount not exceeding one hundred dollars may be used for the purchase of law books. ,‘l‘§,§,,*’;,*§;,L*°’· To pay the account of William H. Lacy for material and labor used ` and em loyed in April, nineteen hundred and four, in plastering moms in the hmlding known as thirteen hundred and sixty-two B street southwest, Washirfton, District of Columbia, occupied as a laboratory by the Bureau of nimal Industry, under a lease uly made and executed being for the fiscal year nineteen hundred an four, two hundred dollars. mgegggvm- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR._ U rouge. Orrrcn or rm: Sncnn·rAn·r: To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “ Postag§z¤Department of Commerce and Labor, bureaus transferred," for the l year nineteen hundred and three, four hundred and sixty- six dollars and thirty-Eve cents.