1248 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1-18-1. 1905. _}{g{:°'{·To continue employment of the janitor in the Library of the House, ` authorized by resolution of January twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and four, from March fourth, nineteen hun red and five, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, both inclusive, at the rate of sixty dollars per month, nine hundred and fifty-four dollars. ntggim °" T°" For janitor for room of Committee on the Territories from March Jauida-. fourth, nineteen hundred and tive, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, both inclusive, at the rate of sixty dollars per month, nine hundred and fifty-four dollars. Document mom. To continue employment of the janitor in the document room from J°°"°r' March third to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, both inclu- ‘ sive, at the rate of sixty dollars per month, two hundred and thirty- . four dollars. I §$§g*j,f,‘{,‘{'°· 'For night watchman at branch folding room from March fourth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, both inclusive, at the rate of sixty dollars per month, two hundred and thirty-four dollars. Chief Clerk. For additiona compensation to messenger in office of the Chief M°°°°°°r' Clerk, three hundred and sixty dollars. cgngnhikaregcnkivm For assistant clerk to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors from mnnamn ua-;. March third to June. thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, both inclusive, at the rate of one thousand four hundred dollars per annum, four hundred and fifty-five dollars. ‘ 11;aL.0<>¤1¤r. For employment and compensation of P. L. Coultry as assistant to y' the foreman of the folding room, authorized and named in the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives January thirtieth, nineteen hundred and Eve, from March third to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, inclusive, at the rate of three dollars and eighty-five cents per day, four hundred and fifty-eight dollars and fifteen cents. George E.Pri¤ry. To continue during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six the P"' employment of George E. Printy as assistant to foreman of the folding room, authorized and named in the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives April twenty-seventh, nipeteen hundred and four, one thousand four hundred and five dollars and twenty-five cents. },’é,§,§g‘°’· To pay D. S. Porter for services as assistant clerk, by detail, to the Committee on Pensions, five hundred dollars. ,§Q$§,‘;;;Q_G”‘*“- To pay Herman Gauss for services as assistant clerk, by detail; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, seven hundred and fifty dollars. ,§,’;Z*;{l,§*,,{,f°"°"· To pay Paul Mitchell for services as `anitor t0_ rooms of the Com- _ mittee on Appropriations, three hundred dollars." §·_,,,§Y,,§,}fS"°’· To pay L. V. Busbev, for services as clerk to the Committee on Rules, five hundred dollars. . §’,f_('{f,’Qj,§,,*{,§j"'“"· F or additional salary of the bookkeeper in the officc of the Ser _ cantat—Arms, at the rate of four hundred ( ollars per annum from lglarch fourth, nineteen hundred and five, until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, inclusive, five hundred and thirty dollars. '“’*’°°“""‘°“"”·°°°· For ins ctor of cabs and other vehicles, at the rate of sixty dollars pefrnontlixlrom March fourth, nineteen hundred and live, until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, inclusive, to be appointed by the Ser eant-at-Arms, nine hundred and fifty-four dollars. L5. BiH<>r¤>¤· fi pry R. B. Horton for compiling and indexing reports and hear- "W °€S` jimgs dopbpse of the Committee on nsular Affairs, two hundred and t o rs. ’{,§Q,€’,’(;j}‘§;’;‘_f;$g‘}°°· Iyer stenographic and typewriting services, to be expended by the chairman of the conference minority, and to continue available durin%the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, six hundred dollars. Egggzgi or additional salary of the file clerk during the fiscal year nine- _ jay' teen hundred and six, five hundred dollars. _ §“,g';§‘j,$""‘““· To continue during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six the employment of three clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each, in the office of the Clerk·of the House, to complete a digested sum-
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1335