FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. _ 1249 mary and alphabetical list of private claims presented to the House of Representatives from the Fifty-second to the Fifty-seventh Congress, inclusive, four thousand eight hundred dollars. To pay W. A. Hawkins for services rendered and incident to retur— W- A- Hawkinsnishing the rooms of the Committee on the Judiciary, fifty dollars. S°"l°°°` To pay Arthur Lucas, L. W. Pulies, and Albert Scott, employees in “_§‘°“"°°m °'“P*°Y‘ the cloak rooms, additional compensation at the rate of ten dollars per &<1<1i¤¤¤¤1 my- month each from March fourth, nineteen hundred and five, until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, inclusive, four hundred and seventy-seven dollars. BUFANIC GARDEN. Botanic Garden. For intin , glazin , and eneral re irs to buildin , heatin Repslnsm. appara&, ant? foot walks, and Por furtherphepairs to foundations and for renewing the water and gas pi s in bottom of Bartholdi fountain, under the direction of the Joint Chzmmittee on the Library, one thousand dollars. ` PRINTING AND BINDING. bigggrp pi-man; me For public printing and binding for the Treasury Department, to Treasury Depart be executed under the direction of the Public Printer, twenty-five mm` thousand dollars. Printing and bindin for the Navy De rtment, to be executed Mw vepmmeut under the direction of are Public Printer, iilitxeen thousand dollars. For printing and binding for the Department of the Interior, rum-imlkmuunem. including its several bureaus and offices an the Civil Service Commission, to be executed under the direction of the Public Printer, twenty- four thousand dollars. Printing and binding for the Department of Justice, to be executed uD¤i>¤¤¤e¤¢ of J¤+ by the Public Printer, six thousand dollars. °°` For printing and binding for the State Departmeng, to be executed '““°°_”°P“”"°¤°- by the Public Printer, five thousand dollars: Prom} ed, That of the f!,-°,§’},",§,c1,,,,,0,,0, document entitled “The Declaration of Independence " the Public 1¤};ig>ee)d<:i¤¢¤·;d Printer shall deliver to the Senate Eve hundre and forty copies and mentriatg °°° °°°` to the House of Representatives one thousand one hundred and seventy copies for distribution, and the residue of the present editions of said document shall be delivered to the Department of State, and no further copies of said document shall be printed unless expressly authorized by Congress, and no money shal be paid to any person for the pre aration of said book. I-Pereafter no book or document not having to do with the ordinary X Rgjg;;i<g¤¤Br¤·;:· business transactions of the Executive Departments shall be printed Sigue. y °°° ° on the requisition of any Executive Department or unless the same shall have been expressly authorized by Congress. That the Committee on Printing of the Senate, with three members yriggigsimimi n w of the present House of Representatives who are reelected to the next invbstigate and rgmn Congress, to be appointed by the Speaker of the present House of °“· Representatives, s iall constitute a commission, and they or any subcommittee of said special joint commission are hereby authorized to examine into the numbers printed of the various documents, reports, bills, and other papers pu lished by order of Co ress, or of either House thereof. and of the Congressional Record, aiid if, in their judgment. the conditions as they find them warrant remedial legislation to report a bill at the next session of Congress making such reductions in the numbers and cost of rinting and such changes and reduction in the distribution of said) publications as they may deem expedient, with a report giving their reasons therefor; and that the said commission is also authorized to investigate the printing and binding for the Executive Departments executed at the Government Printing Ofhce and at the branch printing offices and binderies in vox. xxxm, rr 1-—79
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