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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1339

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1252 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. SEss. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. §§£QE;€€°T"“ b; oLA1Ms ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ` For pay of assistant custodians and janitors, two dollars. For furniture and repairs of same for. public buildings, one dollar and thirty-four cents. For fuel, lights, and water for public buildings, twenty-five dollars and twentycents. _ _ _ _ For repairs and preservation of public buildings, one dollar and ninet —five cents. Foiicollecting the revenue from customs, one hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty-four cents. For repayment to importers, excess of deposits, one hundred and . eighty-seven dollars and forty-five cents. Ior refunding proceeds of goods seized and sold, thirteen dollars and twenty-nine cents.‘ ’ For expenses of Revenue-Cutter Service, nineteen dollars and twenty-two cents. ForyLife-Saving Service, one thousand five hundred and thirty-eight dollars and thirty-eight cents. ’ For salaries and expenses of collectors of internal revenue, three hundred and nine dollars and thirty-two cents. For salaries and e uses of agents and subordinate officers of internal revenue, fouricdollars. For ayment of judgments against internal-revenue officers, eighty- eight thousand seven hundred and thirty—‘rive dollars and two cents.


Elor salaries, Oihce of Quartermaster—General, fifteen dollars and ei tv—two cents. Ihr Signal Service of the Army, thirty-two dollars. For pay, and so forth, of the Army, nine thousand four hundred and seventy-eight dollars and eighty cents. gp subsistence of the Army, two thousand and forty-five dollars an our cents. For regular supplies, Quartermaster’s Department, six hundred and thirty-two dollars and eight cents. For incidental expenses, Quartermastefs Department, one thousand four hundred and ten dollars and ninety-five cents. For transportation of the Arrnv and its su plies, twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and fifty-one dollars and thirty-one cents. For clothing and camp and garrison equipage, one hundred and twenty-four dollars and forty-five cents. For barracks and quarters, five hundred and fifty-six dollars and seventeen cents. For headstones for graves of soldiers, eight dollars and ninety-nine cents. For Medical and Hospital Department, eight dollars and forty cents. For ordnance stores, manufacture, and so forth, fifty dollars. For contingencies of fortifications, two dollars and ninety-seven cents. For National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Eastern Branch, " two hundred and nine dollars and three cents. _ For National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Western Branch, fifteen dollars and twenty-five cents. For National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Pacihc Branch, twenty-three dollars and fifty-eight cents. For National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, clothing, one hundred and forty-one dollars and sixty-three cents.