FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. 1253 For reimbursing Missouri for militia expenses during the rebellion, four hundred and seventy-five thousand one hundred and ninety-eight dollars and thirteen cents. For refunding to States (New Jersey) expenses incurred in raisin volunteers, two hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and eighteen dollars and thirt -nine cents. For pay of volnmteers, hdexican war, seventy-seven dollars and four cents. _ For pay, transportation, services, and supégies of Oregon and Washington volunteers IH eighteen hundred and y-five an eighteen hundred and fifty-six, one thousand one hundred and ninety-three dollars and fifty-one cents. For refunding to the State of Wisconsin expenses incurred in raisin volunteers, as replorted in Senate Document Numbered One hundred and eighty-six, t is session, seven hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and eighty-one dollars and eighty-eight cents. cmrus ALLOWED BY THE Auorron FOR THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. n¤£L=;¤f°¤;¤1<3,Y:$y§];>e{ parunent. For emergency fund, Navy Department, seventy-six dollars and twenty-two cents. For Hay of the Navy, seventeen thousand seven hundred and fifty- one do rs and sixty-seven cents.` For pay, miscellaneous, two hundred and sixty-nine dollars and seventy-nine cents. For pay, Marine Corps, six hundred and ninety-six dollars and thirty- three cents. For transportation and recruiting, Marine Corps, six dollars and sixty cents. For clothing, Marine Corps, four dollars and seventy-two cents. For contingent, Marine Corps, seventy dollars and seventeen cents. For transportation, recruiting, and contingent, Bureau of Navigation, three hundred and thirty-two dollars and seven cents. For contingent, Bureau of Ordnance, eight hundred and eighty-two dollars and thirty-six cents. For equipment of vessels, Bureau of Equipment, two hundred and seven dollars. For contingent, Bureau of Equipment, three cents. r For Medical Department, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, twenty- nine dollars and seventeen cents. For provisions, Navy, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, three hundred and twentv—one dollars and sixty-seven cents. For contin ent, Bureau of.Supplies and Accounts, two hundred and sixty-tive dodars and fifty-two cents. F or re airs and preservation at navy—yards, one hundred and eighty- eight dollars and t irtly-five cents. . or indemnity for ost pro rty naval service, Act March second, eighteen hundred and ninety·li)s?e, three hundred and fifty-four dollars and twenty-three cents. For destruction of clothing and bedding for sanitary reasons, one hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty-one cents. For enlistment bounties to seamen, one hundred and sixteen dollars and seventeen cents. CLAIMS Annowrzo BY mn Acorrok ron rim rxrmmoiz Dmrammmw. Agéjsags glivglegngs; · Department. For contingent expenses, Department of the Interior, twenty-five Cents. For contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Utah, fifteen dollars and ninety-six cents.
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