FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. 1257 _ For surveving the public lands, twelve thousand three hundred and sixty-five dollars and twenty-two cents. _F or Geological Survey, liscal years nineteen hundred and three and nineteen hundred and our, one hundred and forty-two dollars and iifiy-six cents. {pr contingent expenses of land offices, one dollar and twenty-tive cen s. · For telegraphing and purchase of Indian supplies, fiscal year nineteen hundred and our, ninety-tive dollars and forty-five cents. For transportation of Indian supplies, thirteen dollars and eighty- six cents. _ For payment to estate of James She-wah-ha, deceased, a Chickasaw Indian, for stock stolen from him in eighteen hundred and sixty-six by Comanche Indians, seven hundred and fifty dollars. - For payment to estate of J inney Casey, deceased, a Chickasaw Indian, for stock stolen from her in eighteen hundred and sixty-six by Comanche Indians, two hundred and fifty dollars. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE STATE AND 0T11E1a cnims allowed by _ DEPARTMENTS. Auditor fg;gtate,et.c., STATE DEPARTMENT: For steam launch for legation at Constantinople, five dollars and thirty-nine cents. ` For bringing home criminals, fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, ei,<¥1t dollars and seventy-one cents. - or contizulgent expenses, United States consulates, fiscal year nineteen hundr -and four, one thousand six hundred and twenty-eight dollars and ninety-seven cents. . For contingent expenses, United States consulates, fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, three hundred and five dollars. For contingent expenses, United States consulates, eleven dollars and eighty-six cents. DEPARTMENT or J UsT1cE: For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, seven hundred and sixty-two dollars and nine cents. For salaries and expenses of district attorneys, United States courts, fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, twelve dollars and seventeen cents. For fees of clerks, United States courts, fiscal rear nineteen hundred and four, seven hundred and thirty-seven dollars. For fees of witnesses, United States courts, twelve dollars and sixty cents. For support of prisoners, United States courts, nine dollars and fifty cents. · For prosecution of Indians in Arizona, Act February twenty-fourth, A¤¢¢» v· B05- ninctecn hundred and tive, three thousand seven hundred and sixty- eight dollars and eighty-one cents. Sec. -l. That section thirty-six hundred and seventy-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States is hereby amended to read as follows: ·‘SEc·. 3679. No Department of the Government shall expend, in cegxtgeggigetgggggg any one tiscal year, any sum in excess of appropriations made by Con- xoisaauef Y gross for that iiscal year, or involve the `overnment in any contract ,,,,$é,Sg5§§Y‘3°'°*p‘"$· or obligation for the future payment of money in excess of such appro riations unless such contract or obligation is authorizcd by law. 1\or shiall any Department or officer of the Government accept volun- vonumary service. tary service for the Government or employ personal service in excess of that authorized by law, except in cases of sudden emergency involving the loss of human life or the destruction of property. All appro- Apwnignmpur or priations made for contingent expenses or other general purposes, §’,§,§’,§§i$§;]'f,{,{,‘Q',{,’Ql',§ except appropriations made for the fuliillment of contract obligations P*°'°¤*d*¤°i*¤°i¤¤·
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1344