1258 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Srzss. III. Cris. 1484, 1485. 1905. expressly authorized by law, or for objects required or authorized by law without reference to the amounts annually appropriated therefor shall on or before the beginning of each fiscal year, be so apportioned by monthly or other allotments as to prevent undue expenditures in one portion of the year that may require deficiency or additional appropriations to complete the service of the fiscal year; E*°°P“°”· and all such apportionments shall lbe adhered to} excpptilwlliepdwgivleld · or modified in specific cases by the written or er o the e o the • Executive Department or other Government establishment having control of the expenditure, but this provision shall not apply to the contingent appropriations of the Senate or House of Representatives ; and all such waivers or modifications, together with the reasons therefor, · _ shall be communicated to Congress in connection with estimates for ,,f§,'f‘“’ ‘°' “°l" any additional appropriations required on account thereof. Any person violating any proviiion of this selpgiiori) shall be summafily rlemoved from office and may a so be punis y a fine of not ess t an one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not less than one month." · “§1¤_‘}l*$*°-M”i°°h*P For the purpose of assisting in the celebration of the iiftieth annice1e¤mw¤oiope¤— versary of the inauguration of the Sault Ste. Marie ship canal, to_be mg' held in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, the present year, ten thousand dollars. · °“°h°m*·' _ That that portionof an Act making appro riations for the legislamg¤“££1¤c:];°d bum tive, executive, and judicial expenses of the (government for the tiscal ‘""‘**" m' year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, and for other purposes, approved March_ eighteenth, nineteen hundred and four, which provides that the legislative assembly of the '1`err1tory of Oklahoma shall not make any appropriation or enter into any contract for a capitol building, or any other public building, shall not apply to the University Preparatory Normal School at Tonkawa, nor the colored agricultural an normal school at Langston, in said Territory. Approved, March 3, 1905. M*tgfl;;i,H°5· CHAP. 1485.-—An Act To quiet certain land titles in the State of Mississippi. [P¤b¤i¤. Nv-218·1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House oflfrlgsffreaevztatives of the Ctzitcd m,,_,¤,,,,,,_ States of America in Qongresa assembled, at in all cases in which S_;»¤¤<>fv¤¤1§1$¤¤€ lands in the State of Mississippi have heretofore been sold by author- ?§iS§€Zf°°°` ° °° itfv of the State of Mississippi, or by claim of authority of the State v01_Q_ p_ M_ o_ M1ss1gs1pp1,Aar;d ight;] right to make sucéh gale: clagmicd to ht;} liy virtue o an c o `ongress a prove ep em er wen y-eig t 1, eighteen hundred and fifty, entitled “An Act to enable the State of Arkansas and other States to reclaim the ‘swamp lands’ within their liinits,”(;:h1p1 said lands so sold as aforesaid shall be held to be of the · · class an 'nd mentioned in said Act of Congress and said sales are hereby ratified and confirmed, and the titles to said lands are hereby . validated and vested in the purchasers, respectively, thereof. as of the date of said sales in all resggeézts as if title of the United States had mot sagem passed by such sales: Hm , That no valid title or valid claim under ' the public land laws of the United States heretofore ac uired and now . P . . q hmm exgting to ialpy ofhsaid landsfshag be aigected plysthis Act. d h °- Ec. 2. at w ere any o said purc asers conveye an of the land as purchased by him or her, his or her vendee or subvendlee shall be vested with title ash if the title of. such purchaser had been perfect by such 0°nal purc ase. °°"“°“°’°°*’“"· Sec. 3. rldiat this Act shall not apply to the counties now composing the Third Congressional district, to wit: Tunica, Quitman, Coahoma, Bolivar, Sunflower, Letlore, Holmes, Washington, Sharkey, and Issaquena.
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