1260 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1489. 1905. March 3, 1906. CHAP. 1489.-An Act To authorize the Apalachicola and Northern Railway to [H- R- 19178-] construct and maintain a bridge across the Apalachicola River and the East Saint [1>¤r>uc,rn>.2zz.j Mary River. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rgesentativee of the United Eg**Sfgg§j°g}gry *3};} States of America in Congress assembled, at the Apalachicola and emma. _ Northern Railway, a cor ration created and existing under and by Nddiiithkiiitirdgg virtue of the laws of the State of Florida, he, and is hereby, authorized my °’id€°- to construct and maintain a railroad bridge across the Apalachicola River in the southwest quarter of section twenty-two, in township eight south, ran eight west, and across the East Saint Mary River, a branch of the gcpalachicola River, in the southwest uarter of section six, in townshi eight south, range seven west, in Eranklin County, in the State of Elorida. D¤""*’i°K°¤· Sec. 2. That said bridges shall be constructed with a draw, so that a free and unobstructed passage may be secured to all vessels and. other water craft navigating said rivers. mI&*P‘gjt°,},,j,°g_°“”“ Sec. 3. That any bridge built under this Act and subject to its limitations shall be a lawful structure, and shall be recognized and known as a post route, upon which also no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States, or sen ers or freight passing over said bridges, than the rate r for the transportation ,,,g`,fl_f¢”Ph- °*°-· over the railroads leading to said beridges, and equal privileges in the use of said brid es shall be granted to all telegrap and telephone companies; and the United States shall have the right of way for stal ttpllegriaph and telephone purposes across said bridges, without charge ere or. Sccmq of W¤’*° Sec. 4. That any bri e authorized to be constructed under this Act. appmep m` shall be built and locateilig under and subject to such regulations for the security of navigation of said rivers as the Secretary of War shall prescribe, and to secure that object the said corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, a design and drawing and a map of location of each bridge; and until the said plans and locations of the bridges are approve by the Secretary of ar the bridges shall not be commenc or built. and should any °*‘°°¤°’· change be ma e in the plans of either of said bridges during the process of construction, such change shall be subject to the a roval of the Secretary of War, and any change that may be requirecljhy the Secretary of War in either of said bridges after their completion, shall be made by the corporation or persons owning or operating said bridges, at their own expense. °P°°*“¤‘*’*"•· Sec. 5. That the draws of the bridges herein authorized to be constructed shall be opened promptly upon reasonable signal for the passing of boats; and said corporation shall maintain, at its own ex nse, L*¤*“"· from sunset to sunrise, such lights or other signals on said bridlgbs as the Light-House Board shall prescribe. ,,.§f{§,__"Y °"’°’ °°’“‘ Sec. 6. That all railroad companies desiring the use of said bridges shall have and be entitled to equal rights and privileges relating to the passage of railway trains over the same and over the approaches °°‘“°°“"*“°”· thereto upon the payment of reasonable compensation therefor; and in case the owner or owners of said bridges and the railroad company or companies desiring to use the same shall fail to agree upon the terms with reference to the use of same all matters at issue between them shall be decided by the Secretary of War upon a hearing of the allegations and proofs of the parties. “"°"“'“°“*- Sec. . That the right to alter or amend this Act is hereby expressly reserve . ,,}`,}f‘° °* °°“‘·'“‘* Sec. 8. That this Act shall be null and void unless the bridges herein authorized are commenced within one year and completed, within three years from the date of approval hereof. Approved, March 3, 1905.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1347