F IFTY_-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. CHS. 1491-1494. 1905. 1263 of said board shall be the custodian of said money, and he shall, before entering upon the duties of his office give his bond, with sufficient B°““· sureties, to the school district, in such sum as the common council may direct, and subject to its approval, but not less than twice the amount that may come into his hands as treasurer, conditioned that he will honestly and faithfully disburse and account for all money that may come into his hands as such treasurer. The said board shall have '¥°¤°h°¤ the power to hire and employ the necessary teachers, to provide for heating and lighting the schoolhouse, and in general to do and perform everyt ing necessary for the due maintenance of a proper school.” Approved, March 3., 1905. CHAP. 1492.-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to accept the March ::,1905. torpedo boats Stringham and Goldsborough. [S- 70*2] ¤ bli , N . '. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repnesentat2}ves of the Un ded [Pu C 0 223] States of America in Uongress assembled, That the Secretary of the l,`{g‘;_Y·ad0 hmm Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized, in his discretion, to waive the gjsrrihghaing and statutory speed requirement of thirty knots an hour for the torpedo b,.,G§,’,l2‘g’,{‘§e'f§l'“h my boats Stringham and Goldsborough, authorized and contracted for V°‘-29- P- 378· under the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety- ` seven; to accept said vessels, after such trial as he may rescribe, and ,,,*§$_‘}§°“°”’*°*'P°°d to make iinal settlement therefor under the contracts fhr their con- ` struction, subject to such deductions from the contract prices as may in his judgment be proper, if any, on account of speed failure, giving due consi eration to the losses incurred bv the contractors in endeavoring to fulfill their obligations where said lowes were due to changes of modifications of plans or specifications ordered by the Department. Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1493.-.-\n Act To tran fer Ensign Creighton Churchill from the retired M¤¥¢b $1905 to the active list of the Navy. Pu c, o. 226.] Bc It mactcrl by {be Senate and House ¢?`Re]n•esentat1`ves piftbe [Gifted _ »S'tutes qfr—lnzer£r·u in G»ngre.vs assemble », That the President be. and 3,?Q{§g,,,,,,Chu,chm he is hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the ’°***°'*d*°·*°¤‘·’¤'***- Senate, to restore Creighton Churchill, now an ensi n on the retired list. to the active list of the Nav ‘: Prmzialed, That ghe said Churchill Qf,[{j;’{mmm W shall, upon examination in accordance with regulations to be prescribed mma. by the Secretary of the Navy, before an examining board composed of five members, of whom three shall be line officers his senior in rank 7 and the remaining two medical members, satisfactorily establish his mental. moral, professional, and physical fitness to perform active service, the place to which he shall be restored to be determined by the Secretary of the Navy after recommendation with re rd thereto by said board: And `l"I/,'ld€(l_f(l7‘b]l€I', That the said Churgiill shall be P'°‘“°‘l°“’· carried as additional! to the number of the grade to which he may be re·»tored or at any time thereafter promoted. Approved. March 3. 1905. CHAP. 1494.-An Act Authorizing the appointment of certain midshipmen in jig"}? the United States Navy. [Public. N0. 227.] Be it ( mzcfed by the Senate and ][0use ofRq}re.9entatices of the [Gifted _ States oj°-1mr·/·¢`ca in Umgzws assembied, That the President be, and he §§§,¥,,;§‘{,‘§g"',§}*'gu,, is hereby, authorized and empowered, in his discretion, to appoint to ***5*** ¤*d¤hi¥·¤¤¤¤- the naval service the three midshipmen of the then first class who were
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