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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1351

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1264 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. . Cus. 1494-1496., 1905. dismissed on the sixth day of November, nineteen hundred and three, pursuant to the findings and recommendations of a court-martial, said midshi men to take rank at the foot of the class from which dismissed, d top thke m er as th other members f said l an serve a sea ID ann e o c ass: f,’;';';‘,°,;m°m em Provided, That such appointments shall not be operative or effective required. ’unless and until said m1 shipmen shall have passe such examinations and conformed to such re uirements as may be prescribed by the cre ry o e avy. Se ta f th N q Approved, March 3, 1905. Much 8· 1905- CHAP. 1495.-An- Act Prohibiting the selection of timber lands in lieu of lands

 in forest reserves. '

[Public, No. 228.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o_fRqn·esentat¢Pves of the United

°“,;,1,c,   of America in Congress assembled, That the_Acts of June fourth,

Plsgfdnmigl gghtplephhppdred gd mnetlyspveié, June sixplh, nineteen liupdredr, and M, ’ rc 1 mne n un re an one, are ere repea e so ar as · :€i;*·*“’v“·“ thely proyiélléggr the re0linlquishment,r;ele;ctiop, amipateligting of hindi in eu o cover y an unpe ec e ona e c 1m or pa en pithépca fqrest fretgeryek but the valitigr of contraqtqhentgrqd linpp by; e rero enriorprior e sageo is csa no mfémlmcmw be impairedb Provided, That selections hlesretofore made in lieu of be esmpiezed. lands relinquished to the United States may be perfected and patents issue therefor the same as though this Act had not been passed, and if for any reason not the fault of the party making the same any pendingdselection is held linvalild another selection for a like quantity of lan may be made in ieu thereof. Approved, March 3, 1905. M¤·r<=h3.1905- CHAP. 1496.-An Act To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and [H- R· 1758*] quarantline fdistrictshtp permit and regulate the movement of cattle and [1>u¤u¤,m».2zs.1 other iveswck there m, an or other purposes. Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Rgrresentatives of the United §'{,°{},j’,,‘J,{‘,t"{‘0“f,§f‘,§,y,_ States of America in Congress assem , That the Secretary of Agrilinh •¤i¤¤·¤¤·¤ of- cultnlrrelis authorizE>Jd)pndbdimcted to quarantiqe any State or Territory or the istrict o ‘ um ia, or any portion o any `tate or erritory or the District of Columbia when he shall determine the fact that cattle or other live stock inlsuch State or Territory or District of Columbia are affected with an conta ious, infectious, or communica- “°“°°· ble disease· and the Secretarvlbf A rfculture is directed to ive writi ten or printed notice of the establishment of quarantine to the proper officers of railroad, steamboat, or other trans rtation com anies doing b' th h f dSttPO T 't prth Di usiness in or roug any uaran ine a e or erri ory o e s- trict of Columbia, and to pulldish in such newspapers in the quarantined State or Territory or the District of Columb1a, as the Secretary of Agriculture may select, notice of the establishment of quarantine. df§,',€}}‘,’,§’°§§“‘,‘,§',},§,°,§§ `1:c. 2. That no railroad company or the owners or masters of any ¢¤¤*¤¤‘¤ *<>¤‘*>i*¤<i·=¤- steam or sailing or other vessel or boat shall receive for transportation or transport from any quarantined State or Territory or the District ES “°‘"T;*m *‘Z"‘f‘f;°l°‘““i.`*“‘l"‘€" mz: oss; Sur 0a.;'.;??; ryor e isrico oumiainoan o er or em Dm f the District of Columbia, any cattle or other live stock, except as heremn ;.,"}`i,E m" inafter provided; nor shall any person, company, or COI'[)0l3t1OD deliver for suc tmnsggmdon to any railroad company, or to the master or owner of any t or vessel, any cattle or other live stock, except as mm& hereinafter provided; nor shall any person, company, or corporation ,,,,M’*,m,,'*“‘_ · drive on foot, or cause to be driven on foot, or transport in private conveyance or cause to be transported in private conveyance, from a