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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1355

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1268 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 1498, 1499. 1905. P*°b°·°i°¤ mm- That when the said light station shall have been completed in accordance with the conditions herein specified and be ready to be lighted the Secretar of Commerce and Labor shall prescribe the' manner in which the light shall be exhibited and the said light station be operated, and thereupon the said Eells and his associates, or successors. are authorized and required to operate the said light station in accordance withl tllrp said gipaepsidns of saidO(Secretary and the segulaltions of thi; Li t- ouse or a peri of one year, an at the cost an nsumy w umm exgense of said Eells and his associates and successors. That at the S""°" ex iration of said period of one ear, the said light station shall be delivered to the United States and shall be laced under the control of the L}ght—I1;House l3oard, to operabige the said) lig)ht stagion in acc<5rd— ance wit suc regu ations as may prescribed y said Board an at {gg3g:, of equip the expense of the United States for a period of four years: Provided, ment u structure in- That if at any time after the installation of the lens and e uipment in ‘°°‘"°‘ said structure the Secretary of Commerce and Labor shgll End said structure to be insecure he shall cause said lens and e uipment to be removed therefrom, if such removal is practicable without unreason- - able expense or peril to life, and the United States shall not thereafter P•!¤¤¤*· use the said structure. That at the expiration of five years after the date when the said light station shall have been completed and lighted, and which period shall embrace theone year durin which the said light station shall have been operated by said Eells and gis associates, or successors, if the said structure shall be in a substantial and secure condition and in all respects sufficient for the purpose of a light-house at the place where located, such fact shall be so certified by the Secretary of ‘ mmerce and Labor, and then and in such event the said Eells and his associates, or successors, assi , or legal re resentatives, shall be 1¤¤<>¤¤¢- - authorized to demand from the Uiidted States the sum of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars and shall thereafter be free from wlggrzgmsggsv of responsibility incident to said structure and the said light station shall ` thereupon become part of the P-permanent light-house establishment of 0,N§’_(}’,j*,fu“,,‘§,’,f,f,';,% the United States: Hovided, hat if the said Eells and his associates, com-m. cw. or successors, shall fail to construct the said structure in accordance with the terms hereof, or shall fail to operate the same for one vcar, or if at the end of said period of jive years the said structure shall not be in a substantial and satisfactory condition as hereinbefore provided, then and in any or either, such event neither the said Eells and his associates, nor any of them, nor their or either of their successors. or assigns nor the heirs, successors., or legal representatives of any of them, or of their successors, or assigns, shall be entitled to demand or receive from the United States any compensation whatever, in whole or in part, by reason of any act or acts done in pursuance hereof. Approved. March 3, 1905. Nlwb 3. 1905- CHAP. 1499.-An Act To authorize Gila County, Arizona, to issue forty thou- [**1 lm? me d011mm imag m build a com-house, ima so amt. [Public, No. 232. I Be it enacted by the Senate and H01¢.s‘e;(p}fR¢q>resentatv}ves of the Miited gg; §Q§u“§‘,{g,;*d;i'§,r States of America in Congress aaaembl , That the board o supervisors <><>¤¤»¤¤¤¤<>. ew- of the county of Gila, Territory of Arizona, is hereby authorized to issue bonds of said county in the sum of forty thousan dollars for the ppnstruction of a céouithousg and jail for said county and vaults for e preservation o its recor s.

 *¤· Sec. 2. That said bonds may be in such denominations as the said

board may prescribe, and shall bear no more than five per centum _ interest per annum, and shall not be sold for less than their par value. °"”"*Sec. 3. That said bonds shall be made payable in thirty years, with