FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 1499-1501. 1905. 1269 an option on the part of the county to pay any or all of them after ten years from the date of their issue. _ Sec. 4. That for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds as ’1‘¤¤¤ i<¤ ¤i¤ki¤z rt becomes due and provide for a sinking fund to pay said bonds the mud' ` sa1d board of supervisors shall levy and cause to be collected, as other county taxes are levied and collected, a sufficient tax on the assessable property in said county as will meet the interest as it falls due and provide a reasonable sinking fund to pay said bonds when due. Sec. 5. That sard bonds shall be printed with interest coupons <>¤¤r>¤¤¤. attached thereto; each coupon shall represent one year’s interest on the bond, and when the interest represented in a coupon is paid the coupon shall be detached from the bond and placed by the treasurer wrt his other vouchers before the board of supervisors. Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1500.-An Act To amend an Act to rohibit th passage f special rl l Much 1906. laws in the Territories, to limit Territorial indgbtedn =: , snd to legalize the indx- [H- B- 31;*1*-] edness of school district numbered one, in Pawnee County, Oklahoma Territory. [puma, N0_ m_] Be it emwted by the Senate and House ofRri:£v·esentat¢}ues of the United States of America in Oongrecc assembled, at the Act of Con ress Pawnee county, approved July thirteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, ang the °]}l§’;,,b,,,,,,,,,,, 0,. Act of Congress approved June nineteenth, nineteen bundred and two, Mhlgil b¤¤<1¤¤s¤ le entitled "An Act to prohibit the passage of local or special laws in the ver. i4, p. m; von. Territories of the United States, to limit Territorial indebtedness, and “’· F m for other purposes," shall not apply to the indebtedness heretofore ` incurred and evidenced by warrants outstanding against school district numbered one in Pawnee County, Oklahoma Territory, which includes the city of Pawnee, for the construction of school buildings in said mpg of Pawnee, which indebtedness is hereby legalized and made va 1 . Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1501.-An Act To prohibit importation or interstate transportation of March 3,1906. insect pests, and the use of the United States mails for that purpose. ___jH· R· 18f‘[l___ Public, No. 284. Be it enacted by Me Senate and [[0use ofltryrrexevataticrea of the United [ I States of America in (Q2>ngz·e.s.s· assembled, That no railroad, steamboat, }r¤;;¢¢r>¤;_¤h_m M express, stage, or other transportation company shall knowingly trans- by rntziiim or rmi port from one State or Territory into any other State or Territory, or §’,,§‘gm$f’“"“°'°°· *°"‘ from the District of Columbia into a State or Territory, or from a State or Territory into the District of Columbia, or· from a forei n country into the United States, the gypsy moth, brown-tail medi, leopard moth, plum curculio, hop plant- ouse, boll weevil, or any of them in n live state, or other insect rn a live state which is notoriously injurious to cultivated crops, including vegetables, field crops, bus fruits, orchard trees. forest trees, or shade trees; or the e gs, pupze, or· larvae of any insect injurious as aforesaid, except when 511pped for scientific purposes under the regulations hereinafter provided for; nor shall any person remove fr·om one State or Territory rnto another· State or Territory, or from a foreign country into the United States, or from a State or Territory into the Distrrct of Columbia, or from the District of Columbia into any State or Territory, except for scientific pur oses lll1d0I' the regulations hereinafter provided for, the gypsy rnotli, brown-tail moth, leopard moth, plum curculio, hop plant- ouse, boll weevil. or any of them in a live state, or other insect in a live state which is notoriously injurious to cultivated crops, including vegetables,
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