FIFl`Y·ElGHTH CONGRESS. sms. m. cm. 1502,1503. 1905. 1271 Maine, the property situated in the corporate limits of said Augusta, belonging to the Government of the United States, formerly used as an arsenal and known as the Kennebec Arsenal property, the same comprising about forty acres, and bounded on the north b rivate propertyi on_the east by the road to Pittston, on the soutlib the nsane ospital grounds, and on the west by the Kennebec diver said conveyance to provide, however, that the estate thereby created shall continue so long only as the said propert shall be used by said State as a part of and in connection with the giaine Insane Hospital for the appropriate uses of an Insane Hospital in conformity with the terms of this Act; and that at any time the said property may be ‘°"°”*°'*·°“* taken possession of by the United States whenever the President in his discretion, shall decide that the said property is needed for the uses of the United States, or that the requirements of this Act are ` not strictly observed by the said State of Maine; and that there shall ,,dN§’,'jlQ,bu*"°*°“i’ be no liability on the part of the United States at any time for the use ` or destruction of any building that may be placed on the said property by the State of Maine. Approved, March 3, 1905. ' CHAP. 1503.-An Act To authorize the count of Ouachita to construct a brid M“'°h 8· *°°°· across the Ouachita River, Arkansas. y ge l¢, 0. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Regweaenmtéuu of the United - States of America in Oongresa asaemblei That the county of Ouachita, 332EiE WK}, t , one of the counties of the State of Arkansas, duly created and organ- g L{_d8°· °* °¤¤· ized under and by virtue of the laws of the said State, is hereby authorized and empowered toerect, construct, and maintain a bridge, by and through its proper officers, over `the Ouachita River, at or near Camden, in the county of Ouachita, State of Arkansas: Provided, That 0, wma the lans and location of the said brid e are approved by the Secretary nvgroriegigm. mn. of lgar before the construction of és bri ge is_ commenced. Said b,-ld§§°" ""I '°°° bridge shall be constructed to provide for the passage of wagons and vehicles of all kinds, for the transit of animals,and for foot passengers, under such rules and re ulations as may be laid down by the proper oflicers of said county under the laws of the said State of Arkansas. Sec. 2. That the bridge shall be a lawful structure, and shall be ,n‘g,“p'j,§‘},§u§,§f“°'“'° known and recoglnized as a post route, and shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post—roads of the United States, and no charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, troops, and munitions of war of the United States. Equal privilegles in the ,,:h‘2_°""“• °'°‘· use of said brid e shall be granted to all telegraglh and telep one companies, and the Suited States shall have the rig t of way across said bridge and its approaches for postal, teleglraplh, and telephone purposes; and any changes in the said bridge whic the Secretary of ’ar may require in the interest of navigation shall be made by the person or cor ration owning or operating the same, at their own expense. Sli;. 3. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of °f °°“‘°’°°' said brid e herein authorized shall not be commenced in one year and completed within three years from the date of approval hereof. Am d L Ssc. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby °° mw expressly reserved. l' Approved, March 3, 1905.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1358