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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1357

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1270 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Cns. 1501,1502. 1905. "field crops, bush fruits, orchard trees, forest trees, or shade trees; or the eggs, pupw, or larvae of any insect injurious as aforesaid. sending ay mail Sec. 2. That any letter, parcel, box, or other package containin the ° Mudd"' psy moth, brown—tail moth, leopard moth, plum curculio, hop plantlolhse, boll weevil, or any of them in a live state, or other insect in a live state which is notoriously injurious to cultivated crops, including vegetables, iield crops, bush fruits, orchard trees, forest trees, or shade trees, or any letter, parcel, box, or package which contains the eggs, pupae, or larvae of any insect injurious as aforesaid, whether sea ed as first·class matter or not, is hereby declared to be nonmailable matter, except when mailed for scientific purposes under the regulations hereinafter provided for, and shall not be conveyed in the mails, ·` nor delivered from any ost—office, nor by any letter carrier, except

  • when mailed for scientiiid purposes under the regulations hereinafter

Pcnalti. pgovided for; and any person w o shall knowintgly deposit, or cause to deposited, for mailing or delivery, anything eclared b this section to be nonmailable matter, or cause the same to be taken, from the mails for the purpose of retaining, circulating, or disposing of, or of aiding in the retention, circulation, or disposition of the same shall, ‘ for each and ever offense, be fined, upon conviction thereof, not more than five thousand, dollars or imprisoned at hard labor not more than MMR 1- H ive years, or both, at the discretion of the court: Provided, That ' nothing in this Act shall authorize any person to open any letter or sealed matter of the first-class not addressed to himself. - B¢8¤*·¤°¤•·¤*¤· Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of Agriculture, and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and promulgate rules and regulations under which the insects covered by sections one and two of this Act may be mailed, shipped, transported, delivered, and removed, for scientihc purposes, from one State or Territory into another State or Territory, or from the District of Columbia into a State or Territory, or from a State or Territory into the District of Columbia, and any insects covered by sections one and two of this Act may be so mailed, shi ped, transported, delivered, and removed, for scientific purposes, under the rules and regulations of the Secretary of xw Agriculture: Provided, That the rules and reglulations of the Secretary of Agriculture, in so far as they affect the method of mailing sms um. insects, shall be approved b the Postmaster~General, and nothing in this Act shall be construedy to prevent any State from making and enforcing laws in furtherance of the purposes of this Act, prohi iting or regulating the admission into that State of insects from a foreign country. ‘ r,§‘·,}“j°,},'f°°“* *° °°" Sec. 4. That any person, company, or coipporation who shall knowiizgly violate the provisions of section one o this Act shall, for each 0 ense, be fined, upon conviction thereof, not more than five thousand dollars or imprisoned at hard labor not more than five years, or both, at the discretion of the court. j Approved, March 3, 1905. I Nlmb 8. 1905 CHAP. 1502.-Au Act Authorizing the Secretary of Warto convey the Kennebec lH·B·m°°°‘] Arsenal property, situated in Augusta, Maine, to the State of Maine for public [P¤¥•li¢. N0- 2*5-l P¤!'P0¤°¤· Be it enacted by the Senate and Hm1.si,lgfR?>resentativea of the United Augusta mem, States of America in Oongreas aasembl , That the Secretary of War uf;,,,,,, u, mm M be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to convey, by deed duly i¤¤•¤¤ Mmiw we and properly executed, to the State of Maine, for the use of a State °°°°` institution, organized under the laws of the State of Maine and maintained by said State, known as the Maine Insane Hospital, at Augusta,