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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1381

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INDEX. vii Army—C0ptinued. Page. l Army-Continued. Page. upproprumon for paymasterd clerks ang65 appropkriution for Medical Museum; limeggeugers _____________________ , 832 mry __________________________ 2"2, $39 traveling expenses 265,832 for Engineer Department; expenses,! for courts-martml, etc., ex rises . 265, 832 em ____________________________ 273, 839 for officer in charge, puglic buildings school, Washington, D. C .. 273, 839 and g¥`0\1l}dS, D. C .. 285, 832 construction, etc.,_Army War College . 273 for commutation of quartere, officers . 265, 832 egtm cost of buildings _______,____ 839 for travel, unclrawn clothing, interest equipment; of troops ,______________ 294, 839 on deposits, enlisted men 265, 832 services ,_,_,,__,______,_,____,___ 274, 840 for translator, etc., military informa- for Ordnance Department; expenses., 274, 840 t10H . . . 266, 832 for ammunition for small arms, ehé. . . 274, 840 for expert accountant ... 266, 832 annual medals, prizes, em ,,,,,..,. 274, 840 for mileage, ofiieers and contract sur- for Congressional medals of honor .. 274 geons . . 266, 832 persons entitled to receive ... 275 for contract surgeons 266, 832 for field artillery for militia .. 275, 840

0r 23 per cent, eul1sted_m;ra..éi . x, @2 for repairing and preserving ordnance

or percent, commission 0 cars- , 2 stores ,..,.,._,,,.., 275 840 for computer, artillery board 266, 832 for ordnance stores ...,.. 275; 840 for Porto Rico Provisional Regiment; for infantry, etc., equipments 275,840 { oggauization 266, 832 credits for money received from losses or P ilippine scouts 267 832 in transit 840 all above to be accounted as pay of ’ sales of historical ordnance not needed the Army .. 267, 832 or use ... 841 pavments to militia; mile allow- lfor firing morning and evening gun. . . 275, 840 ‘ . 389 ances  ; ... 267 for converting muzzle to breech-l0adin§_ analysis of pa ·masters’ accounts . 267 guns ... :5 840 assignment og paymasters’ clerks to _ for artillery targets, etc ,275 Paymaster-Gcnenl’s Office 833 for manufacture, etc., of arms ... 275, 840 for Subsistence Department; supplies- 267, 833 for rifle contests, trophies, medals, etc. . 841 extra-duty pay; gzivilian employces- 267,833 purchases; stores transferred to Philfor commutation o rations, ctc. - -; . - . 267 833 ippinos 275 841 for transport service; special diet rations, ’ monthly rating of employeed (psy ’ 276 ice, em __,,,,,,,,...,.,,,,,. 267, 833 use of receipts from ordnance xsposed {or subsistence of cadets, inaugural cerc- of; sales . 276 mony ___,,__,,,..,,,.,,,,,.,. 834 launches transferred to Philippine for Qugrmrmastefs Department; regular government .. 276 supplies_ Q _______,___ 1, _ _,,,,... 268, 834 effectof acton present stutusof officers- 276 post kerios; ice machines; schools, for fortniicatnous 234,845 ew _____________, , _ __’ ,___,, 268 834 for nsions 315 848 fomf; stationery, printing, etc . for §%}i¤lry ACS3dB1I1y.} . urg age; contracts ________. . 0I' 8TH10F10S 811 IITSCDS B ... lisa of ice machines, laundries, and , 83 for bringing home remains of 0H5p-egg H 1 ni lants rmitted ... 4 am so iers ... , 97 gor ezsipnfegt of pggt schools for bringing home remains of civilnp;6 uw `tg ngeg __________ .,,. ° ,0mp0y€0S ... .-... · . mextlsei-cintity pezgrrgeintcrments, etc 269, 835 for monument at Gettysburg to Battery ’ expenggg of horses, gig ______,_, ,, , 269, 835 E, FO\1l'tl1 Aflialléfy . . . 9FlO { h _________________ _ ___,,,.. 270, 835 for general hospitu _ ... 1197 {3; bgxkg gud qugrtgrg _________,_ , 270, 836 deficiency 1}ppropriation for Quartermas- V extra-duty v; civilian employees. 2:0,836 ter s epartment . 2n, road, Fort gilcy, Kaus .. 836 43, 402, 424, 427, 1225, 1252, 1256 restriction on establishing posts .. 836 for military telegraph, Alaska . 25 post exchanges __,,__,_,_,_,, . 270,836 for monument nrt Phil Kearny mas- _ h iw ‘ th Ph`]' in S ,_,,. 270 836 savrc . 26- for? t$¤.nsrpiii·tat;>n. . .. 270; 836 for Military Awdemy ... L. , . 26, 4g-I, 12::6 transport service; sale restricted . . . 271, 837 for pay .. 43, 402, 424, 424 , 122n, 12:12, 1256 on land-grunt roads ... 271, 837 two and three year volunteers . .;-.. ,43, 424 use of funds for militia expenses for- 8*7 ;0r zpfgdvistenlecé ..1:t 1 4.'¥,42:%4i6:)lg;g, ' l, _____,____,,____ Q __,,,..,.. I or, ma pa. men ,,___ ., -, , ‘. for slilrtc? etc., wagon road Valdez to r 1 ;0r {)c:)rtifi<::1ti0r;¤ .£ .. 43, p rt g y g, A] ka __________ , ,,,. 7..7 or unty, v0 un cer! for xnilimrl; Eiiail Eiyukuk River, be- · _ for Ordnance Department ,. d24, 125:2 tween the Yukon and Qqldioot Z . .. 241 for pensions . .: ... 1238, l2g4 gm- pyothing, and camp and garrison for Signal Service . X20? cquipnge ______ _ ____________ ____ 271,837 for mileage, officers and contract sur- · g { d { gd l thing. - 272 838 geons . ... 1225 foi·npii’srti“n(i•¥pi(|:ls,c;,0i1•e¥mcti0(i1, repairs, , for survey, etc., wagon road Valdez to em __________ _ ________ _ _ _____ 272, 838 Fort Egbert: Alaska ... _ 1225 Fort Sum Houston, '[€x_ ______ _ _____ 838 for military trail Koyukuk River, be- {Oy um-mpg hospital stewards ... 272, 838 tween the Yukon and Coldfoot ,,,_ 1;:25 for ghrmuné ranges, etc _________ _ ____ 272, 838 appointment authorized of Hawley, Joseph for Medical Department; S¤ppliBSy€T»¢- 272. 838 R·» b¤'iS3di€?·E¢¤•¤¤l, Ntlmfl -~---- $53 preventing gpregd of epidemics 272. 938 Y Osfcrhaus, Peter Josof, brigadier-gem openqnarket purchases, ctc 272, 838 , em}, retired . , ,,,,,,,,,,,, 853