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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1382

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viii INDEX. Arrr;y—Continued. Page. Artillery Cgrgqs, Army, _ Page. appointment authorized of Patterson, 5 approprumon for submarme defense . William L., as second lieutenant - - - 7'I9 school . 259, 827 artillery second licutenants credited for 59 g for electrician sergeants; master electri- 829 prior service in Marine Corps .. 5 i cians .. 261 associate professor of mathematics, West f second lieutenants credited for prior serv- , Point, to be detailed from; pay, etc- 850 l ice in Marine Corps ... 595 care, etc., of Statue of Liberty, New York- 498 l Artillery School, Fart Monroe, Va., chaplains; provisions for promotion, etc. . 226 Y appropriation for instruction expenses. . 259, 827 Kennebec Arsenal, Me., property con- ! Artillery Targets, etc., Army, veygg to Maine ... 1270 r appropriation for ... 275 magazine 'fles and ammunition may be Ash Alamnder sold to rifle clubs for practice .. 986 péyment to- ... 805 participation in Jamestown celebration 1 Ashland, Wah., authorized ..,... . 1047 l appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1139 retired officers and enlisted men maybe de· 5 Ashlqy River, C., tailed to schools; conditions ... 225 bridges authorized across, at and near supplies to becarried in American vessels- 518 Charleston ... 1041 t0 contest for marksmen’s trophies, medals, Ashtabula, Ohio, ` ctc _ ... 274 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1134 Army General Hospital, preliminary examination of harbor to be appropriation for site and construction - . - 1197 made for bmkwuwr -----·-—~---— 1154 Army Gun Factory (see Watervliat Arsenal, A?M{¢ I”$P“w"» D-_ Gr , _ N_ Y_ )_ orbxdden to rccmvc compcusatxon from 365 Army Supplies, any P€r$0U» em --~—--~--·---···--· ·· ·· AhItLads,]d` TT , A;gg*;¤;l*;¤g(;;;;g*1¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤ of —··-- ~ ---·- 6**0 ?£gYm. 0!}méL, $3 ui;'??'? 208 al; ,0p,mi(,,, {O, expenses ____________ 259, 827 A-my OJM8 (vv MMM und Assay Offices)- Eur constructin etc buildin · limit 273 Assay' Umwd &°m’ . · g’ " g’'punishment for unlawfully stamping gold Am"M» CO'"'?"? Hr _ _ 4 or silver articles with the phrase- . . 732 payment or Courtof Clmmsyudgment to. 759, 761 I Asaegmlmt and pe.,.,,,;; Woyky D_ C, Arrears of Pay, Wzlunteers, i appropriation for ...-.-..---..,--- 368, 891 appropriation for --.-..-. 504, 1205 » As.se,s8m’.s Office, D. G, for war with Spain and in the Philip- appropriation for salaries .-..-...-. 363,884 _ pines . 505, 1205 deficiency appropriation for assessment of d0fic1em·y apyaropriation for two and three mal and personal taxes ---.,,-_,-,, 24 year vo unteers .. 43 424 for temporary services . ; . . - 1220 Approved, Darid J, Y acceptance of returns of gross earnings of payment to 777 _ corporations, without penalty, 1904- 885 Arsenalsrz»zd.1r1n0ries(seealso Fortifications), · duties, “`9·t€" mams and BBYVICB sewers appropriation for manufacture of arms A _ assessments ··--··-··-·---—~···--- 244 at .-... 275, 840,845 8·Y’9"{’•€” » for Frunkforq], Pg _ _ ____ _ ________ _ l PTOVISIODS for t- .-- .- . . . . {Or Mauna, p_ I __________________ ____ 489 Assistant Attamey-Gmeral, Intmor Departfor Rock Island, Ill .--. 489, 1190 ; '”?”{» _ for Sandy proving ground _ _ _ _ appropnutmn fOr 8BSISt8.Dt$ttDY'H?yS, 9tC. ior 00\·e;HNidJ.Mp¢»wder depot . 489,1190 1 A¤·#·v¢¤·•¢ A¢¢<{~·¢y-(¥¢»¢··¤l» PM-017·¢# Dem"- or S rin e , * ass -.. 490, 1191 mf" _• for \$ate,Jmwn, Mass __________________ 490 ; up roprmtmn for . 134, @0 rightof wayrlrmated to Ivlassaclmmetts. 490 ’ _&¥` 8W>'¤€Y8» <‘]<’*kS· °t*‘ --·--·—- ; ---- 13}, 64 7 my \\’mgrt,nvvn, Mags_, testing ma- Anwlrmt .Qt!qrn¢·ys, Dvpnrhnmt of .lusm·e, l mines ________________________ 490, ug]appropriation for I ----.---,,,, 134, 680 · for \V3terv]iet, N. Y ,_,,-,-- , ,,-,___ 490, 119] ·"*"*"""'*$ ·‘!”3""".'é·*‘('*’7'”"l, 134 680 f , A t , (' -,-,-.-..---,.-.-- 119] 3I>I*¥`°P¤¤ *0** 0* ·---··--·------·—---- 7 fg: r€;§;:;?€u:i ____ _ ______________ 4g()_ {lg] Assistant Crmtqdiuns and Janitors, Public Arlbur, 1:wW, ’ B3#”r/mas, _ payment of Court of Claims judgment to 3PP*’9l'”`¤mO¤ fOr -;- ; -··-·--—--·-·--- 464, 1168 admgngstmmr 05 __________________ 753 deiicxency appropriation for - ... 40, 42, 1252 Anhui, Ki", dL__, A-. K and N ly use of app;·;>pr1ations for rented temporary 1161 appropriation for improvement of ..,.--,, 1121 { ._” lcgxih ext ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ l ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘ or improvement of channel ...-.---,.- 1195 ‘ S8" m { {en f°mey` 'mwa ’ 134 680 preliminary examination of, to be made-, 1153 Asggzolglri 10 Or ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ A"h°"`» —mU·,WHh“"’ IB I preliiniuagy examination of harbor to be appropriation for refunding .,--- ‘; -.-_,_,_ 260made ______________________ ____ _ 1154 ANU""'! L"’fb’°· _ _ Astrzphymbal Ob.sw·vafor:;, °pp"?Y""m°“ fm iumwhlng ·····--·· · 499v 1199 { appropriation for maintenance --.. 461 1165 deficxency appropriation for - 43 , A,um.;m’ pa,.ag,,(,y, ’ ATN1m!, .ir‘m!/, Field, g appropriation for consul at . . . - 76, 924 appropriation for imue to militia ..-..-,-- 275 L Atchisem, Topeka and Skmta Fe Railway Com- Artillery, Jrmy, Jfobile, { pany, Sppffrpfikfivll fOr" altering, etc ... 235 may acquire portion of Eastern Oklahoma Amllery Ifoayd, Army, 5 Railway Company in Indian Terriapproprumon for computer .,,..,,, 266, 832 = tory _____________________________ 63