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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/200

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112 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 716. 1904. For incidental and contingent expenses of the District, clerk hire, stationery, lights, and fuel, to be expended under the direction of the governor, two thousand dollars. ,Ar1¤>¤¤· Tnnnrronr or Anrzoru: For governor, three thousand dollars; chief justice, and three associate judges, at three thousand dollars each; secretary, one thousand eight hundred dollars; interpreter and translator in· the executive office, five hundred dollars; in all, seventeen thousand three hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the governor, one thousand dollars. For legislative expenses, name] : For rent, messenger, postage, stationery, fuel, lifghts, printing, aud, incidental expenses for secretary’s office; for pay o members and officers of the egislative assemb y, mileage, rent of rooms for the legislature and committees, furniture, stationesy, printi§, binding fuel, lights, and incidentals, twenty=four thousan two hu red and ity dollars. . M" ”°¤°°· Tnnnrronr or Naw Mmxrooz For governor, three thousand dollars; chief justice, and four associate judges at three thousand dollars · each; secretary, one thousand eight hundred dollars· and interpreter and translator m the executive office, five hundred dollars; n all, twenty thousand three hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of Territory, to be expended by the governor, one thousand ollars. For legislative expenses, namely: For rent, light, fuel, telephone, _ ice, water, stationery, record files, record casings, (printing, postage, clerks, stonographer and typewriter, messenger an porter, and incidentals in secreta1y’s office; for pay of members and officers of the legislative assembly, mileage, rent of rooms for the legislature and . committees, furniture, stationery, printing, binding, fuel, lights, and incidentals, twenty-four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. °“°·”°¤°~ Tnmuronr or Oxnmomn: For governor, three thousand dollars; chief justice and six associate judges, at four thousand dollars each; and secretary, one thousand eight undred dollars; in all, thirty-two thousand eight hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the ` governor for rents, private secretary, stenographer and typewriter, and typewriter supp ies, janitor, messenger, fuel, lights, stationery and prmtinghpostage, teegrams, furniture for office, express, and other inciden s, one thousand dollars. _ For legislative exgenses, namely: For rent of office, furniture, fuel, lights, stationery, c erk hire, printing, postage, ice, record casings and files, messenger, rter, indexing records, stenographer, t pewriters, janitor, and other incidental expenses of the secretary’s oéce; for pafy of members and officers of the legislative assembly, mileage, rento rooms for the legislature and committees, furniture, stationery printing, binding, fuel, lights, and incidentals, twenty-four thousand gmx, 0, lm of two hundred an fifty dollars: Provided, That the legislative assembly government pmms shall not consider any proposition or pass any bill to remove the seat °"· of government of said Territory from its present location: Provided °°P*'°'*’““°*¤€·°°¤· further, That said legislative assembly shall not make any appropriation or enter into any contract for a capitol building or any other _ public building. ’ K*"“*- TERRITORY or Hnwmz For governor, five thousand dollars; secretary, three thousand dollars; chief justice, five thousand five hundred dollars; and two associate {justices, at five thousand dollars each; in all, twenty-three thousand ve hundred dollars. For udges of circuit courts, at three thousand dollars each, so much as may be necessary, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five.