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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/201

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 716. 1904. 113 For contingent expenses of the Territory of Hawaii, to be expended by the governor for stationery, posta e, and incidentals, five hundred dollars, and for private secretary to tie governor, two thousand dollars_; for traveling expenses of the governor while absent from the gappgal on official usiness, five hundred dollars; in all, three thousand o rs. Tmmrroar or Poirro R100; For salary of the resident commissioner **0** Rm from Porto Rico to the United States, authorized by the Act tempo- V¤l- $r P- 86- rarily to provide revenues and a civil government for Porto Rico, approved April twelfth, nineteen hundred, five thousand dollars; for traveling expenses one hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents; in all, five thousand one hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents. WAR DEPARTMENT. w“'”°l""““°"*~ Orrrom or rum Smomrrsnrz For com nsation of the Secrets of P“"°‘S°°’°‘“e ·“ War, eilght thousand dollars; Assistant Sgcretary, four thousandqfive mmm, mm, 2 hundre dollars; chief clerk, including five hundred dollars as assistant in military park and insular affairs, three thousand dollars; clerk to the Secretary, two thousand five hundred dollars; clerk to the Assistant Secretary, two thousand one hundred dollars; clerk to the chief clerk, two thousand one hundred dollars; disbursing clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; appointment clerk, two thousand dollars; four chiefs of division, at two dihusand dollars each; superintendent of buildings, outside of State, War, and Navy Department building, in addition to com nsation as chief of division, five hundred dollars; sten her, one thzusand eight hundred dollars; librarian, one dollars; our clerks of class four; ive clerks of blass*thrct3*"te1¥’e erks of class tho; eleven clerks of class one; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each; carpenter, one thousand dollars; chief messenger, one thousand dollars; two carpenters, at nine hundred dollars each; four messengers; seven assistant messengers; eight laborers; hostler, six hundred dollars; two hostlers, and one watchman, at ive hundred and forty dollars each; in all, one hundred and four thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. For continuing the employment of such additional temporary force T¢¤¤P°¤¤’ ¤*°¤’¤ of clerks, messengers, laborers and other assistants, rendered necessary because of increased work in the War Department, as were transferred to the classified service under the provisions of section three of the V°l·”·P·m· Act makin appropriations for the eggslative, executive, and judicial expenses og the Government for the cal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and for other purposes, approved April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and two, as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be proper and necessary to the prompt, efficient, and accurate dispatch of official business in the War Department and its bureaus, and in whatever grades of the classified service they may be assigned, to be allotted by the Secretary of War to such bureaus and oflices as the exigencies of the service may demand, three hundred _ and sixty thousand dollars: Provided, That no person employed c0mp€m_ hereunder shall be paid any dgreater rate of compensation during the tion immedfisral year nineteen hundre and five than he was paid under this appropriation prior to January first, nineteen hundred and four, except on promotion to fill a vacancy in any force of any bureau or office of _ the War Department specifically provided for: P:m¤£ded_fi¢rtlte»-, That ,m¥§§;*dmg,Q°g,g‘;,§; sg}; the Secretary of \Var is hereby directed to Submit, in the regular annual estimates for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, estimates in detail and under each bureau and office of the lVar Department for all clerks and other employees necessary and required for the conduct of the regular and permanent work of the Department who are paid out of vox. xxxm, rr 1--8