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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/203

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FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 7l6. 1904. /115 twenty-five clerks of class two; twenty-eight clerks of class one; three clerks at one thousand dollars each; anatomist, one thousand six hundred dollars; engineer, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant engineer, for niglht duty, nine hundred dollars; two firemen; skilled mechanic, one thousand dollars; twelve assistant messengers; three _watchmen; superintendent of building (Army Medical Museum and Library), two hundred and fifty dollars; five laborers; chemist, two thousandandeighty-eightdollars; rincipalassistantlibraiian,twothousand and eightveightglollars; pathologist, one thousand eight hundred dollars; microscopist, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant librarian, one thousand eight hundred Tollars; in all, one hundred and forty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars. Ormcm or THE PAYMASTEB·GENERALI For chief clerk, two thousand P¤;ym¤sr<->r-G¢¤- dollars; five clerks of class four; five clerks of class three; seven clerks °ml S Om°°` of class two; two clerks of class one; one assistant messen er; four laborers; in all, thirty-four thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. OEmcE or THE CHIEF or OR1>NANcE: For chief clerk, two thou- ordnance Omcc. sand dollars; two clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; twenty clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two messengers; one assistant messenger; one laborer; in all, forty-one thousand six hundred and sixty dollars. The services of skilled draftsmen and such other services, not cler- tgkiiied d¤f¥·¤¤=¢¤· ical, as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, may be employed ° ' in the office of the Chief of Ordnance to carry into eifect the various appropriations for the armament of fortifications, to be paid from such a ropriations, in addition to amount specifically applropriated for

.. in the Army Ordnance Bureau: Provided, at the entire mm.
   furthe ism! year ending June thirtietb, “‘““* °'°

nineteen hundred and Eve, shall not exceed forty thousand dollars, and that the Secretary of War shall each year in the annual estimates report to Conlgress the number of persons so employed and the amount paid to eac . OFFICE or THE CHIEF or ENGINEERS: For chief clerk, two thou· Engineer omcc sand dollars; five clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; four . clerks of class two; four clerks of class one; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one assistant messenger, and two laborers; in all, thirty thou— sand eight hundred and forty dollars. The services of skilled draftsmen, civil engineers, and such other c;vn,·,¤gm,·,m_m, services as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, may be employed in the office of the Chief of Engineers, to carry into effect the various appropriations for rivers and arbors, fortifications, and surveys to be paid from such aplpropriationsz Rvvided, That the expenditures mm. on this account for the scal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen ’·“““— °‘°· hundred and tive, shall not exceed eighty thousand dollars; and that the Secretary of War shall each year, in the annual estimates, to Congress the number of persons so employed and the amount paid to each. Orrrcm or THE BUREAU or INSULAR AFFAIRS: For the following sqm.] or ]1]s\1]31' now authorized and being paid from the appropriation for temporary “*‘“”· force of clerks and others in the War Department, namely: For law officer, four thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; five clerks of class four; three clerks of class three; eight clerks of class two; fourteen clerks of class one; twelve clerks, at one thousand dollars each; fourteen clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; two messengers; two assistant messengers; five laborers; two charwomen; in all, seventy-nine thousand eight hundred dollars. Co1~rT1NoENT EXPENSES or THE WAR DEPARTMENT! For the following sums which shall be so apportioned as to prevent deficiencies therein, namely: _ _ _ _ For purchase of rofessional and scientific books, law books, books Gonnmsencexpeusvs of reference, periodicals, blank books, pamphlets, newspapers, maps;