1].4 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 716. 1904. the foregoing approlpriation for the employment of temporary force of clerks messengers, aborers, and other assistants, said estimates not to excged the number employed and rates of compensation then actually pai . A<1J¤¤¤¤¢-G¤¤¤¤1’¤ Omen or rm: ADJUTANT-GENERAL: For chief clerk, two thou- 0% . 401. sand dollars; two chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each· clerk up 9 to the Adyutant-General, one thousand eight hundred dollars; ten clerks of c ass four; eleven clerks of class three; eight clerks of class two; forty clerks of class one; six clerks, at one thousand dollars each; four messengers; sixteen assistant messengers; and three watchmen; . iln El], one hundred and twenty-tive thousand six hundred and forty o ars. oggm ·¤dP¤¤·*·>¤ Bnoonn nm Pm<s1o1w.0rmen: For chief clerk, two thousand dol- 1=•»2,p.4c1. lars· five chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; thirt -six clerks of class four· fifty-three clerks of class three; eightyrthru clerks of class two; one and eighty-six clerks of class one; forty- eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each; engineer, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant engineer, nine undred dollars· two Bremen; skilled mechanic, one thousand dollars; six messengers; thirty- eight assistant messengers; messenger boy, three hundred and sixty do lars; five watchmen; superinten ent of bmldmg, two hundred and fifty dollars; and seventeen laborers; in all, six hundred and one thousand five hundred and seventy dollars; and all employees rovided for by this paragraph for the Record and Pension Office of the dar Department s all e exclusively engaéged on the work of this office for the fiscal year nineteen hundred an five. 0,{,¤gr¤¤*»r<*¤¤¤¤¤’¤ Ormcn or mn For one clerk of class four; ' two clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; one clerk of class one; one messenger; and one assistant messen er; in all, eleven thou- S ' sand nine hundred and sixty dollars. _ Ggudrggyocace- Orman or run Jrmen-Anvooarn-GENERAL: For chief clerk, two °° ° °°‘ thougland dpllm; one clark of class gour; two clerkslofkclass tlgee; one er o c two· t ree c er o class one· one cer one thousand dollars; one copyilst; one messenger; and one assistant messenger; in all, fifteen thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. Sigma once. SIGNAL OFFICE: For chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; one clerk of class one; one messenger; and one laborer; in Sl], six thousand (Svc hundred dollars. ¤3¤¤•‘¢¤¤¤¤¢¤M¥¢¤· Fricn or THE Uaarnauasrmn- ENEBAL: For chief clerk two °r$°0m°°' thousand dollars; eleven clerks of class four; nine clerks of, class three; twenty-three clerks of class two; thirtyanne clerks of class one; eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each; six skilled typewriters, at one thousand dollars each; experienced builder and mechanic, two tihogsgnillafive hundredddollars; draftsman, one thousand I-Sight hunre o rs· assistant ra tsman, one thousand six hund dollar · two assistant draftsmen, at one thousand four hundred dollars each: civil engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant civil engineer, one thousand two hun red dollars; electrical engineer, one giousand eighlgh hundredHdoll1ars;i two inspectors of supplies for the rmy at two thousand ve un red dollars each to be selected and appoirlted by the Secretary of \Var; four messengers; nine assistant messengers; female messenger, four hundred and eighty dollars; two labloiéexls; rp all, one hundred and fifty-nine thousand three hundred an o y dollars. “f,$;¤(ggg;·•¤<*¤¤- Orman or run Coumssanr-Gnnnnan: For chief clerk, two thousand ` dollars; two clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; live clerks of class two; eleven clerks of class-one; nine clerks, at one thousand _ dollars each; two assistant messengers; two laborers; in all, forty- ‘ three thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. 0§,‘g§°°°‘°°”””l’• Orrron or rm: Sunenox-Gnxsnanz For chief clerk, two thousand _ dollars; fourteen clerks of class four; eleven clerks of class three;
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