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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/209

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 716. 1904. 121 BUREAU or STEAM ENGINEERING: For chief clerk, two thousand E,f‘!’°“%‘;mé" Smm dollars; one clerk of class three; one clerk of class two; one clerk of gm ` class one; one assistant messenger; two laborers; draftsman, one thousand four hundred dollars· assistant draftsman, one thousand two hundred dollars; stenographer and t writer, one thousand dollars; stenograffier and typewriter, nine hdiidred dollars; in all, twelve thousan seven hun red and forty dollars. For the following in lieu of employees now authorized and paid from Sh$Bl°’°°“°°"“°" appropriations for " new ships:" For one clerk at one thousand three ' hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand one hundred dollars; three clerks at one thousand dollars each; one copyist, at eight hundred and forty dollars; two laborers, at six hundred ollars each; one messenger boy, at six hunédnéed dollars; in all, Ixgight thoirisandlarid forltytdollalrs. 1 Bumuof Comm. U or Ns·rnUcr1oN AND EPAIBZ or c ie cer , wot ou- m _ sand dollars; three clerks of class three; assistant draftsman, one tm dum! thousand four hundred dollars; two clerks of class one; one assistant meisengei? and one laborer; in all, eleven thousand nine hundred and ei ty dollars. {hor the following in lieu of employees now authorized and paid sh,E,;‘;,{§Z'°’°°°°“"“°' from appropriations for " new ships ’: For three clerks, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; nine clerks, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; fifteen clerks, at one thousand dollars each; live copyists; nine messenger booiys, at six hundred dollars each; one mesp1eng:lr8go‘y,na: four hundredollars; in all, thirty-nine thousand one un o rs. The services of draftsmen and such other technical services as the "°°"““'“'“"‘°“‘ . Secretary of thejlavy _ deem necessary may be employed in the Bureaus or ‘0rda¤ucelf'&uill ment, and Repair, and

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‘ " `“ J for year umméw nineteen hundred and live shall not exceed one hundred and twenty- thousand dollars; a statement of the persons employed hereunder and the compensation paid to each shall be made to ongress each year in the annual estimates. BUREAU or ORDNANGE: For chief clerk two thousand dollars; ord- B¤¤¤·¤°*°¤*¤¤¤¤¤- nance engineer, mechanical draftsman and computer, three thousand dollars; draftsman, one thousand eilght hundred dollars; assistant drafts- ‘ man, one thousand four hundred ollars; two clerks of class two; two " clerks of class one; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, fourteen thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. _ For the following in lieu of empiloyees now authorized and paid from mF;xz¤¤>*¤•=•¤¤ "¤¤v appropriations for " new ships": or one clerk, at one thousand three hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand one hundred dollars; five . clerks, at one thousand dollars each; three copyists; two copyists, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; two messenger boys, at six_hundred dollars each; in all, twelve thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars. Buamu or Surrmns ANi> Acoounrsz For a civilian assistant, who m§i¤_;g:·cgug1fm§¤vv¤i¤ shall perform the duties of chief clerk, and in case of the death, resignation, sickness, or absence of beth_ the Paymaster-General of the Navy and his assistant, now provided for by law, unless otherwise directed by the President, as prov1ded_ section one hundred and R·¤··¤¤¤-1”·¤»2¤~ seventy-nine, Revised Statutes, such ClVl 1an assistant shall become the acting chief of the Bureau, two thousand five hundred dollars; three clerks of class four; six clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; two stenographers, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; eleven clerks of class one; live clerks, at one thousand dollars each; three clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one assistant messenger; one messenger boy, four hundred and twentygdollars; and one laborer; in all, forty-five thousand eight hundred dol rs.